Sunday 22 September 2013

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: First lines in response to Len McCluskey’s utterances today at the Labour Party Conference “debate” staged by the London DAILY MIRROR: Lines of Questions for the attention n of Comrade Len McCluskey about the evils of Hatred, Hunger, Starvation and Harassment in the inner city London Borough of Tower Hamlets Lines [2]

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: First lines  in response to Len McCluskey’s utterances today at the
Labour Party Conference “debate” staged by the London
Lines of Questions for the attention n of
Comrade Len McCluskey about the evils of 
Hatred, Hunger, Starvation and Harassment
in the inner city London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Lines [2]

1718 Hrs GMT
22 September 2013

Comrade Len McCluskey has made a few appearances
in images if not actually seen physically strolling about
in the streets of the East End.
Comrade Len appears to have become the 
(no, the latest)
 substitute for Comrade Ken!
Bizarrely, Comrade Len’s appearances in 
the imaged  surrounds that are suggested to be
 ‘in or about’ Tower
hamlets don’t actually appear to have been in
manifest response to any democratic preference 
for them as objectively attributable to the ordinary 
people in the Borough.
More acutely, none of these appearances appear
to be in solidarity with those who could be
justified in demanding true solidarity from
Comrade Len who is often depicted as a
a source of (albeit highly fabricated, configured)
“clout” that could conceivably be cited or hopefully
deployed to stop the daily doses of the evil 
hatred, hunger, starvation and harassment
that are foisted on so many who continue to
be missed by the radar of those who are
supposedly the leaders of state outfits in
the Borough.
Is it possible that Comrade Len might be
or he already may have been in communication
with some of those?
If so, might the communication have included
any hint - lets be measured here! - that in the
borough that is still described as one of the
most deprived in the UK (if not as “the most deprived”), 
the “locally elected” Tower Hamlets Council is 
not only failing to show that it wants poverty 
and deprivation to end but that it is a number 
of the very same Council’s
“Service” operations  that are engaged
 as active aiders and abetters of  Hatred, Hunger, 
Starvation and Harassment?
Is Comrade Len aware of that?
Is Comrade Len aware of ANY of that 
going on in Tower Hamlets?

[To be continued]


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