Saturday 21 September 2013

SIX YEARS on from those demonstrations on 23 May 2006 in Whitechapel during MPs’ 'tour' about the Crossrail hole and digging plan, the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign is continuing to Defend the East End, Defend the Truth, Defend the Community against racists this very week!

SIX YEARS on from those demonstrations on 23 May 2006 in Whitechapel during MPs’ 'tour' about the Crossrail hole and digging plan, the KHOODEELAAR!  Campaign is continuing to Defend the East End, Defend the Truth, Defend the Community against racists this very week!

(This UPDATER Diagnostic post doesn't have the picture of Michael Parker, captioned. His image as pictured by Muhammad haque appears on  our other web sites and posts.)

KHOODEELAAR! Action with emphatic extensive exclusive original evidence in defence of the truth of the Defence of the Community in the East End of London

1550 [1532 ]Hrs GMT London

21 September 2013.

This © Muhammad Haque picture (seen here) of the then "East London Advertiser" staff reporter Michael Parker was taken at the Mulberry Place London E14 2BG in September 2007, SIX years and a week ago this week.


This picture was taken when Michael Parker was himself taking the pictures of another KHOODEELAAR! demonstration that was then in progress outside the Mulberry Place.
And the people in that Khoodeelaar! demonstration? Yes!

`the majority of the people in that KHOODEELAAR! Campaign demonstration were from the Streets that are also featured in the PETITION that was IN EFFECT presented by Muhammad Haque speaking in English throughout the event, to the Tower Hamlets Council on Wednesday 18 September 2013
SIX years earlier, the Council’s Meeting heard the same KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Organiser Muhammad Haque - about the impact of the then plotted Crossrail hole plan work on the residents in the streets involved.

Over 16 months previously, Parker was seen taking pictures like he is seen here, when the Crossrail group of MPs 'toured' the East End areas affected by the Crossrail plan (that was Tuesday 23 May 2006).

The KHOODEELAAR! Campaign held demonstrations in the Whitechapel Road, in the Brady Street (opposite the Swanlea School where the MPs held a short talk as well). The PICTURES that Michael Parker took on 23 May 2006 never appeared in then then “East London Advertiser”.
Except one, a picture of Muhammad Haque speaking outside the Whitechapel underground station, alerting the East End Community to the multifarious environmental. dislocation and economic threats posed to them by the Crossrail hole Agenda.

That picture with a short item was in the East London Advertiser print edition of the last Thursday in May 2006.

The heading had said, "Voice of Protest" next to the picture of Muhammad Haque with the loud-hailer

UPDATED on the UK Indymedia web site at appx 1400 GMT on Saturday 21 September 2013

CBRUK starts mobilisation against latest racist smear and lies by Tories

And by the racist DAILY EXPESS Group and the racist ARCHANT Group-owned ‘East London Advertiser’ web sites.

CBRUK | 19.09.2013 19:29
As Richard Desmond allows new racist lies to be published on his DAILY EXPRESS web site against the Community in Tower Hamlets, a new mobilisation has begun to confront the vile racism

East London voters and Bangladeshis are being asked to support the call for action against the DAILY EXPRESS, the Sunday Express, the East London Advertiser and against the Tory Councillor Peter Golds over their latest attack on the Bangladeshi community. 
Daily action details of the campaign will be published on campaign sites on the Internet. 
As Richard Desmond allows new racist lies to be published on his DAILY EXPRESS web site against equal human rights in Tower Hamlets, a new anti-racist mobilisation has begun to confront the latest vile racism invented and retailed via the Desmond EXPRESS Group by a racist cell that has been operating via that Group for the past four years or so. 

Man addresses Tower Hamlets Council meeting in Bengali 
Robin de Peter 
Thursday, September 19, 2013
10:30 AM 


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A Tower Hamlets council meeting was plunged into confusion when a member of the public started addressing the chamber in Bengali. 

The man, who was presenting a petition to Wednesday evening’s meeting on preserving green spaces on a housing estate in Whitechapel, launched into a speech to councillors and the public in Bengali. 
When the chamber’s speaker, Cllr Lesley Pavitt, stopped the petitioner, he said he was unable to speak English. 
Town hall officers told him the council would have provided an interpreter had they been notified of the problem. 
But as no notice was given, another member of the audience in the public gallery was given permission to ask the question on his behalf.
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CBRUK UPDATE on Tower Hamlets Council in exposing the racist lies by the EXPRESS
20.09.2013 08:39


CBRUK UPDATE on Tower Hamlets Council in exposing the racist lies by the EXPRESS 

The racist Daily /Sunday Express web piece and the ignorant East London Advertiser web pieces about Tower Hamlets Council Meeting of Wednesday 18 September 2013: 

Reason for this UPDATE: ; This CBRUK UPDATE is to make known the truth about the extensive communications that had been ongoing for four and half months precisely about the PRESENTATION of the Petition to a Meeting of the Tower Hamlets Council and to show that the racist EXPRESS group and its racist sources have got their ‘facts’ utterly wrong. Again. 


The CBRUK Campaign has received confirmation from the Head of the Tower Hamlets council's Democratic services at 0810 GMT today that the Public Petition that was presented in part in Seelotee (Sylhetti) language had been the subject of preparations and communications with the Petition Organisers for months, dating back to 30 April 2013 when the actual petition had been formally submitted to the Council. 

By “the Council” here is meant both the Council’s “Democratic Services” and the “Executive Mayor”. 

The fact of that submission can be verified independently and extensively by independent means and sourcing. 

The Council’s “Democratic Services” spokesperson agreed this morning that the media outlets that had published the items/a had got the facts wrong. 

OTHER aspects of the Communications will be further investigated and checked this afternoon and UPDATE or UPDATEs posted here and on associated CBRUK campaign sites during the day and at the weekend. 

2. Contents of one Communications sent to the Tower Hamlets Community Housing (THCH) - the subject of the Petition as presented to Tower Hamlets Council on Wednesday 18 September 2013 - in May 2013, more than FOPUR months before the date of the Council Meting where the Petition about the THCH was actually presented due to internal Tower Hamlets Council bureaucracy 


[THCH employee named] 

Thank you for your reply dated 13 May 2013. 
Since your item concerns the representation of the residents, I have now received their first reply to your commutation [dated 13 May 2013] and would be grateful for your immediate attention and response on each of the points they make. 

1. The residents totally dispute your claim at number 2 of your reply. 
There is no evidence, the residents maintain, to substantiate that claim. 

There has been no meeting, the residents further claim,  where residents have asked for let alone agreed the work you refer to. 

2. The allegations may not have been detailed  in my [Cllr named] Member Enquiry addressed to you [Mr name identified]  but you should have been aware of the many Communications sent to your organisation by the residents and on their behalf. One of the communications is acknowledged by your relevant colleague  in your organisation's letter dated 30 April 2013 to Mr [name and address]  
The OTHER is your detailed conversations and text messages exchanged between yourself and Cllr [named] earlier this month. This information has been confirmed more than once by Cllr [named] to the residents via one of the residents in [street named] with whom Cllr [named] has been known to be in contact. 
Item 5 in your reply is also not addressing the residents’ Constitutional law point. 
They did not specify (street named)in the context of the reference to the Tower Hamlets Council’s transfer of the Council’s housing stock to THCH. What the residents said and are maintaining and will insist on doing in the foreseeable future in this context is this: the series of promises that Tower Hamlets Council at the time of the “ballots” had made included the undertakings that ALL REGISTERED SOCIAL LANDLORDS would honour and uphold and deliver the same social and communal and civic provision and amenities that residents were enjoying under the Council. The residents are asking for THOSE PLEDGES to be honoured in (street named) as well.  
Item 6 in your reply is a contradiction of the known facts concerned. If THCH “have not overridden what residents want” then  why are the residents making this very serious representation claiming that THCH has [‘have’]  done so?  Why was there a letter from THCH .. dated 30 April 2013? 
(resident named) has repeatedly asserted that one of the employees of THCH had misled residents in relation to two specific facts. 
You have the details of those allegations. 
And yet you are stating that the “decision was made by our Area Residents Board which is only made up of residents”. 
The residents do not agree that they - the residents - made any such request or that the stated “Area Residents Board” made any decision that truthfully reflected the residents preference, let alone any express demand for what you say is going to be done very soon. 
Further evidence: it was Tower Hamlets Council that refused to hear English
21.09.2013 14:19
The REPRESENTATION of the rights, the say of the residents concerned in the Street/estate in the East London Borough of Tower Hamlets was at the centre of the SERIES of Questions and Petitions put to the local LBTH, the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council. 

The lead organiser of these representations has been the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign. 

The KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Organiser was APPROACHED by the residents themselves in February 2013 with a list of requests for help with the residents' attempts to get across their say to the Tower Hamlets Community Housing (THCH). 

The KHOODEELAAR! Campaign organised a series of Constitutional law and democratic activities to get the residents needs established and recognised. 

But that first set of actions was abandoned because the residents were sent a misleading message by someone who claimed to be close to the Council’s “leadership”. 

When this was discovered as a diversion that it in fact was, the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign spent another two months in rearranging and restarting the processes. 

One of those processes concerned the behaviour of the Crossrail contractors in the area. 

It was Crossrail that had been the reason for the residents approaching the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign in the first place. 

Because the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign had been active since 2006 in helping the same Streets deal with the then planned attack on their environment, health by the Crossrail plans. 

The KHOODEELAAR! Campaign demonstrated against the Crossrail plans in May 2006 in Whitechapel when a group of Crossrail Committee MPs visited the area. 

One of the reports published about that KHOODEELAAR! demonstration was in the then EAST LONDON ADVERTISER print edition. 

That title wasn’t known at that time to have any internet site of its own. 

(This may be checked and verified) 

The UPDATED reports on the Crossrail digging and noise disruption carried out for three years and how those affected the residents in the streets concerned were then posted by KHOODEELAAR! online and on youtube. 

The remaining issues about Crossrail affecting the residents in the particular area are under campaign review at present and will be published separately. 

Back to the Petition to the Council - about the residents’ demand for recognition of their right to have their say on all aspects of THCH’s involvement in their streets -  on 18 September 2013. 

As the contents of the communications of the past nearly five months between the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign and the Council’s “Democratic Services” (that deals with the Council’s Meetings and related matters) make clear, there never was any intention by the organisers of the representation to allow the appearance of a diversionary pretext that the racists could then use at all. 

The racists (at the Archant-owned ‘East London Advertiser” web site and at the DAILY EXPRESS Group, so far) have miscalculated with their rush to depict a small part of the presentation of that item (at 5.2 on the Agenda at the Tower Hamlets Council meeting on 18 September 2013) as another ‘takeover by the Bengalis’. 

Some of the racists involved in the propaganda being dissected here in these UPDATES know that they have got all of that utterly wrong. 

Far from the item being anything of the sort that the racists have untruthfully portrayed it to be, it was about the democratic values that CBRUK and KHOODEELAAR! Campaigns have been advocating for a very long time in Tower Hamlets and elsewhere in the UK. 

The racists’ decision to abuse the information and to do a racist propaganda will come back to hit them with a series of rigorous exposé’s. 

Those racists should not doubt this at all 

Certain racists operating via the Richard Desmond DAILY EXPRESS Group and their clandestine allies on the peripheries of the ‘mainstream’ INTERNET war on universality and human rights are not only very well known to the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign and to the MOVEMENT DEFENDING THE COMMUNITY in the East End of London, these racists will themselves be personally treated to provisions of the existing laws and legal processes in due course. 

Here is the letter from Tower Hamlets Council’s Head of Democratic Services to the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Organiser dated 7 August 2013, that is more than FIVE weeks before the 18 September 2013 Council Meeting. 

7 August 2013 

Dear Mr Haque, 
Further to previous e-mail correspondence, I received on 30th April 2013 a petition from yourself and other residents regarding THCH [certain words deleted]. 
The petition could not be presented to the Council meeting on 26th June because all of the available slots for petitions at that meeting were already filled.  It was therefore held over for the next meeting. 

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