Sunday 18 August 2013

Brick Lane: Tower Hamlets Council must stop causing rifts, ugly rivalries in community, among local residents, section of Brick Lane traders and the regular customers of the many shops, facilities in Brick Lane who visit the street daily

Brick Lane: Tower Hamlets Council must stop causing rifts, ugly rivalries in community, among local residents, section of Brick Lane traders and the regular customers of the many shops, facilities in Brick Lane who visit the street daily

1205 [1142] [1132] Hrs GMT London Sunday 18 August 2013

 By © Muhammad Haque 
 The Organiser
 The KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Defending the Community in the East End of London.

 Unite the Community for a positive future!

 This is the call that the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign is giving out this weekend.

The call is being reiterated in the light of the mess that Tower Hamlets Council has created by closing Brick Lane to traffic. The ‘local Tower Hamlets’ Council says that the closure is experimental. But one of the immediate consequences has been ugly exchanges of abuse between supporters of the closure and those who argue against it. This ugly situation has been created by Tower Hamlets Council’s failure to follow rational, logical and responsible course of action: 

           Consult the Community first and fully! 

If the Council now does listen to the reasonable view that it should conduct full and thorough consultations with all the people that constitute the Brick Lane London E1 area then a better programme of action can begin to be taken to safeguard the businesses and to make things hopefully better for all concerned. 

1. Those who live in the area. 

2. Those who have businesses, including curry restaurants, in Brick Lane and in nearby streets that depend on moving traffic for the important customer and trade access. 

3. And those who visit Brick Lane for a variety of reasons, Including the people who need free and unobstructed access to the places of faith and worship, as represented by the Brick Lane Jamme’ Mosque [To be continued]

PREVIOUS POST on this AADHIKAROnline KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Brick Lane News site:

KHOODEELAAR! continuing the Action for the Future of the Community in Brick Lane London E1 Area AADHIKAROnline: Fact checker on this item [see the captioned image] featuring Muquim Ahmed [Cafe Naz] accusing Azmal Mert Hussain [Preem and Prithi] of starting touting in Brick Lane.

 0855 [0840] Hrs GMT London Saturday 17 August 2013 

Editor © Muhammad Haque KHOODEELAAR! Campaign in association with the Brick Lane Community Business Forum Azmal Mert Hussain [left] is the owner of the “Preem” and “Prithi” restaurants in Brick Lane. Muquim Ahmed [right] is the owner of Cafe Naz in Brick Lane. These two are known as “millionaire businessmen”. 

Azmal Mert Hussain appeared on BSKYB Channel 844 last week in an edition of the programme “Straight Dialogue” and admitted that the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Organiser Muhammad Haque had been trying for years to get the curry restaurant owners and other traders in Brick Lane to work with the local residents community to create a dignified environment for trading without giving rise to accusations of anti-social behaviour. 

This accusation has been one of the strongest features of the negative image that the Brick Lane curry restaurant has acquired in the past decade and is damaging the future of the street. [To be continued]

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