Wednesday 19 June 2013

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: Diagnosing the moral, ethical, intellectual, Legal and Constitutional bankruptcy of the MPs, the “left” and the Trade union bureaucracies now “featuring” in some news about the “bedroom tax” ]

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: Diagnosing the moral, ethical, intellectual, Legal and Constitutional bankruptcy of the MPs, the “left” and the Trade union bureaucracies now “featuring” in some news about the “bedroom tax” ]
1040 Hrs GMT
19 June 2013

I must first make the evidential point: 
WHERE had all the "leaders of the bedroom tax-related campaigns" been all those years BEFORE this toxic phrase came into existence?
FOR years, No!  for DECADES, the UK's "benefit system" had BEEN a corrupt system, an unjust system and a totally oppressive, stress-causing one.
Neither the "trade unions" nor "the socialists" [!] had made ANY retrievable case for any justice for the thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of people who had been pushed deliberately into various states of poverty  by the "benefit system".
Nor had  "the MPs".
Nor are the MPs even now.
Just take a look at the indescribably stupid, ignorant, supplicatory, role of the MPs "select committee" allegedly about today's DWP!
It is dim
It is ignorant
It is timid
It is servile
It is obsolete.

What have I been calling the DWP?
What do I call the DWP today?
Department for Want and Poverty-creation!
Now, updating it:
Department for Want and Poverty-Imposition!
Department for Woes and Poverty-perpetration!
And so on along the same factual, evidential lines.

[To be continued]

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