Wednesday 19 June 2013

KHOODEELAAR! Campaign updating the Defence of the Community in the East End of London

The Organiser of KHOODEELAAR! the Campaign against the Crossrail hole and in Defence of the Community in the East End of London has told the London-based satellite TV station ChanneliEurope [BSKYB Channel 844, filmed in the Hanbury Street in the Brick Lane London E1 area this evening] that the Community in the East End faces extinction……

This post online at
0325 [0305] Hrs GMT London Wednesday 19 June 2013

Campaign Seminar on Saturday 06 July 2013
Future of the Community in the Brick Lane London E1 area
REPORT researched and produced jointly by:

By © Muhammad Haque
0315 Hrs GMT
19 July 2013
The BBC1 “Politics Show” had interviewed Muhammad Haque and Kay Jordan in March 2006 in the context of the then still “uncertain” future of the East End that had been targeted b y Big Business using the Crossrail project to dig the local community out f the area.
KHOODEELAAR! Campaign had created such pressure on the political “establishment” locally and nationally that the BBC conceded that the issue of Crossrail needed to be “debated”.
In the picture below, Kay Jordan is seen talking to the reporter who had done the interviews Zia Trench [with her back to camera].
Zia Trench and Muhammad Haque exchanged a great deal of correspondence before and after those interviews and the reason was that the BBC programme, actually aired on 26 March 2006 failed to air MOST of the evidence against the Big Business Agenda of taking over the East End of London.
I shall be reporting on THOSE correspondence an d UPDATE their implications in light of the BIG BIZ ATTACK on the Community in the East End of London NOW!
The CAMPAIGN SEMINAR: the Future of the Community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area is being held just weeks after the G8 Summit.
We shall examine the G8 Big Biz agenda in action just across the road in the “City of London” which has been daily occupying newer and newer bits, parts, estates and neighbourhoods in the East End of London.
In our UPDATER Diagnostics, we shall look at Kay Jordan’s role as an annual attender of a weird event in the City of London where Kay has been the only person to puncture the balloon of bogus words, phrases and [incredibly] ‘promises’ issued routinely by the performers of lies for Big Business Agenda ….
[To be continued]” width=”184″ height=”141″ />

Interview with Muhammad Haque and Osman Gani
Campaign Seminar on the Future of the Community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area scheduled to be held on Saturday 06 July 2013

This post online at
0325 [0305] Hrs GMT London Wednesday 19 June 2013

Campaign Seminar on Saturday 06 July 2013
Future of the Community in the Brick Lane London E1 area
REPORT researched and produced jointly by:
Editor © Muhammad Haque
2200 Hrs GMT
London Tuesday 18 June 2013
In an Exclusive interview Muhammad Haque, the Organiser of KHOODEELAAR! the Campaign against the Crossrail hole and in Defence of the Community in the East End of London has told the London-based satellite TV station ChanneliEurope [BSKYB Channel 844, filmed in the Hanbury Street in the Brick Lane London E1 area this evening] that the Community in the East End faces extinction because the area is beg taken over by Big Business resulting directly from the planning collusion by the local Tower Hamlets Council. He announced that a series of Campaign Seminar is being launched in two weeks [Saturday 06 July 2013] to mobilise the defence of the community by reversing the role that Tower Hamlets Council has been playing. He said that attention will also be focussed on the relevant strategic role of the London Assembly, the Lon don mayor and of the UK central government and the Parliament t at Westminster.
“We are organising the defence of the local community by addressing the role of the local Council as a planning, strategic planning authority that is responsible for allowing people to build high rise buildings in the area and make the local, existing small businesses and the local community unable to economically survive in this area.
[The Community] In the East End of London specially in the Brick Lane London E1 Area is threatened with extinction and take-over by the Big Business.
We are having a seminar in the afternoon on Saturday 6 July 2013….
I am going to pass over to Mr Osman Gani who is the Chair of the Tower Hamlets Race Equality Council [THREC] and (one of the) founders of (two of the most important social organisations that in fact have played key parts in the defence of the local community which we now have to again evened with the new initiates), the Spitalfields Small Business Association and the Spitalfields Housing Association.”
Osman Gani: Mr Muhammad Haque has spoken the absolute truth.
[Here are the key facts in the context of the Campaign Seminar on Saturday 6 July 2913 called “Future of the Community in the Brick Lane Lon don E1 Area...”]
Towards 1979-80, we established the Spitalfields Small Business Association [SSBA] and the Spitalfields Housing Co-Operative [now known as the Spitalfields Housing Association] in order that small Businesses could exist and in order that [the Bangladeshi community, then experiencing the most severe denial in access to decent o any housing rights] could get the housing needs met with access to decent housing. We had stabs firmed the social organisations of the whole community with those two initiatives.
But decades later the achievements are being very seriously reversed, the whole community is being destroyed.
This is happening because of the policies of the local Tower Hamlets Council.
[To be continued]

By © Muhammad Haque
0315 Hrs GMT
19 July 2013

The BBC1 “Politics Show” had interviewed Muhammad Haque and Kay Jordan in March 2006 in the context of the then still “uncertain” future of the East End that had been targeted b y Big Business using the Crossrail project to dig the local community out f the area.
KHOODEELAAR! Campaign had created such pressure on the political “establishment” locally and nationally that the BBC conceded that the issue of Crossrail needed to be “debated”.
Zia Trench and Muhammad Haque exchanged a great deal of correspondence before and after those interviews and the reason was that the BBC programme, actually aired on 26 March 2006 failed to air MOST of the evidence against the Big Business Agenda of taking over the East End of London.
I shall be reporting on THOSE correspondence an d UPDATE their implications in light of the BIG BIZ ATTACK on the Community in the East End of London NOW!
The CAMPAIGN SEMINAR: the Future of the Community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area is being held just weeks after the G8 Summit.
We shall examine the G8 Big Biz agenda in action just across the road in the “City of London” which has been daily occupying newer and newer bits, parts, estates and neighbourhoods in the East End of London.
In our UPDATER Diagnostics, we shall look at Kay Jordan’s role as an annual attender of a weird event in the City of London where Kay has been the only person to puncture the balloon of bogus words, phrases and [incredibly] ‘promises’ issued routinely by the performers of lies for Big Business Agenda ….
[To be continued]

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