Thursday 27 June 2013

SHADWELL Activist John Wright, pictured by © Muhammad Haque, reacted to Council Chair asking him to stop filming by asking the Council: What have you got to hide? ARE YOU CORRUPT?

KHOODEELAAR! Question causes Shadwell Activist to ask LBTH Council: 

SHADWELL Activist John Wright, pictured by © Muhammad Haque, reacted to Council Chair asking him to stop filming by asking the Council: 
What have you got to hide?


This © Muhammad Haque picture of Shadwell, London E1 activist John Wright was taken outside the “Town Hall” of the east London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council on Wednesday 26 June 2013. John had just been told by new Chair of the Council Lesley Pavitt to stop filming the Council;s proceedings. John Wright retorted by asking the Council: What have got to hide? Are YOU CORRUPT?
The KHOODEELAAR! Investigation into the Council;s democracy deficit was at the centre of John Wright’s interests in filing the Proceedings, he told Muhammad Haque.
John Wright said
“it was the subject” of Muhammad Haque’s Question to the Council that had got him to start filming.
John Wright said that he had spent EIGHT years trying to get truthful answers from Tower Hamlets Council about the behaviour of several Registered Social landlord outfits. The formal texts of Muhammad haque’s Question to the Council read as follows:

“Question from Mr Muhammad Haque, Organiser, the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign in Defence of the Community in the East End of London What is Tower Hamlets Council’s Constitutionally installed and transparently DEMOCRATICALLY active audit procedure for overseeing the conduct of those bodies especially the ones that have been allowed to take over the control of formerly Council-owned and Council controlled Housing stock in the context of the clear and the express undertaking given by LBTH Council to the Community and parts of the Community in the Borough on the relevant estates affected by the implications of the stock transfer procedures that were put into operation?”

[This investigation continues]

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Democracy Action campaign: Diagnosing the lying by the Tower Hamlets ~Council's "town hall pravda" the East End Lies and its so-called "independent" commercial rival the "East London Idiotiser" - the Big Lying for the Big fat Social landlords which have been embraced by the Council's CORRUPT bureaucracy over the "landlords" abuse of their control of former Council Housing stocks - [1]

And an exclusive report on WHY “the Shadwell Film-maker” John Wright had begun filming the Council proceedings in the first place last night...

1535 Hrs GMT
27 June 2013

The East London Idiotiser remains very narrow-minded and prejudiced and utterly misleading.


Because as the following piece I have retrieved from their web site shows they have a blind spot when  it coms to holding the Tower Hamlets Council to account on universal truthful bases.

The fact that a local Tower Hamlets resident, reported by the IDIOTISER as John Wright in their piece below, was involved in a row with the Council's Speaker Lesley pavitt over his filing of the proceedings is not at all complete without the REASON behind the man's decision to start filming in the first place!

The superficiality and the sub-racist bias on the part of the Idiotiser are parts of the obstruction to democracy in the Tower Hamlets.


Because as the 'film-maker' told me not long afterwards, he had ONLY STARTED filming the Council's proceedings because of... my subject.

And what subject was he referring to as my “subject”?


Well, the first Question [from the Members of the Public] that was underway when the filming was spotted, was my question about the dysfunction in the behaviour of the 
Council in the context of the abysmal disservice by the Registered Social landlords that had been given huge stock of Tower Hamlets Council housing!

I was only about to put the rest of my SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTION when the “filming” became the ficus of Speaker Lesley Pavitt.

She “suspended the meeting for a few minutes”.

But “John Wright” told me minutes later that he had  only begun the filming because  of my subject. the  behaviour of the RSLs. The so-called Registered Social landlords. He told me that  had spent 8 years trying to get answers from the Council in precisely what I was doing in my Question.

But the IDIOTISER would not know that at all!

For the past decade since the housing stock was transferred by Tower Hamlets Council, the East London Idiotiser has failed to report on the behaviour of the “social landlord” outfits at all.


Because the IDIOTISER remains a very backward “local news” operation and is hundreds of years behind the times or the themes.

If it had a “reporter” sitting right behind where I was speaking, that reporter would have shut his eyes, his ears and his mind to all that I had to say!

And thereby they would shut their eyes, their ears and their minds to what the people in the ordinary community were experiencing at the  hands of not only the “social landlords”: but also at the democracy-deficit Tower Hamlets Dysfunctional Council.

This latest behaviour shows that the East London IDIOTISER is as bad as the East End Lies, the so-called ‘town hall pravda’ that Eric Pickles has been blasting away at t suit the Neo Cons Big Business interests that ARCHANT ‘local titles’ back.

In Tower Hamlets there is therefore no short cut to asserting the peoples’ democratic and representational rights: Do NOT rely on or  trust the Tory-leaning East London Idiotiser or the in-house vanity paper [as John Biggs as been recently calling the agenda] of the East End Lies that is published by the Controlling Clique in Tower Hamlets Council.

The “staff” that make the decisions on either are real life strangers to the truth that ordinary people in Tower Hamlets, one of the most deprived Boroughs in England, experience daily, every hour, every single time they are in contact with “their local” Council!

Community Action campaigns  are the platforms to tell and to carry the truth against lying of both kinds.

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