Sunday 31 March 2013

Tories' attack on Met Police hides Ed Miliband's Poverty on Poverty!

Tories' attack on Met Police hides Ed Miliband's Poverty on Poverty!

Tories' attack on Met Police hides Ed Miliband's Poverty on Poverty!

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary:

Ed Miliband’s Poverty is unacceptably acute!

0830 Hrs GMT



31 March 2o13.

Tories "attack" Met Police "Plebgate" leak as disgusting... Churches condemn the latest cuts by CONDEM against the living standards of the already poor and deprived!

These are just two of Sunday’s “mainstream” “British news” headlines.

But these two suffice as pointers to the deepening crisis in Society that the CONDEM Collusion is aggravating.

The Tories” attack on the Police is on Rupert Murdoch’s SUNDAY TIMES front page today whilst the BBC has been running the “Four Churches” attack on the latest CONDEM cuts against the poor that come into effect tomorrow, Monday 01 April 2013.

I say “the deepening crisis in Society that the CONDEM Collusion is aggravating” because I find enough evidence of the SUPPORT to the CONDEM AGENDA of attacks on Society, that is on the Poor and the already disenfranchised in what Ed Miliband is doing in the UK House of Commons.

First Ed Miliband’s poverty on State-created Poverty in the UK.

Even without getting into the details of Liam Byrne’s contemptible collusion, the fact that he is still the supposedly official critic of the Poverty Creation Minister Iain Duncan Smith is itself ample proof that Ed Miliband doesn’t get it about poverty at all.

If Ed Miliband expects that his gradual bid to shift his image away from the time he had associated with [and served the Agenda fronted by] Gordon Brown is “succeeding in conveying the message that he, Ed Miliband, is not like Gordon Brown when it come to the real “values” then Ed Miliband is seriously mistaken. He is NOT coming across as different from Gordon Brown. In fact Ed Miliband is coming across as a muffled, uncertain amateur who is unsure as to what he should say let alone do as “the theoretical future Prime Minster” of the UK.

Ed Miliband’s failure is most acute on race and ethnicity. As it is on the CONDEM attacks on Society.

I don’t trust the “polls”, whoever does them.

But they DO confirm certain general trends in prevailing perceptions and the poll rating poverty that Ed Miliband has been enduring is akin to his poverty of perception of poverty in Society being caused by the CONDEM assaults.

Miliband’s poverty is in the fact that he is too poor on perceptions!

He doesn’t even understand that POVERTY is CREATED! 
And that Bliaring years saw as much POVERTY being created under the Bliaring “administration” in the UK as did the “Gordon Brown years”.

And there is no evidence that Miliband has the remotest idea of how POVERTY-creating Government Departments have successfully created the perception among the public that it is the victims of the created poverty who are to blame and who will pay even more horribly than they have been forced to do by Govt assaults so far.

Ed Miliband has been rehearsing the CONDEM's rhetorics, showing the utter bankruptcy and poverty of his position on the CONDEM COLLUSION's assaults on Society!

[To be continued]

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