Sunday 17 March 2013

Exposing myths created by Big Biz agenda-serving agencies at the expense of the people and the Community in the East End of London

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary

1205 Hrs GMT London Sunday 17 March 2013
DEBUNKING Myths at the expense of the East End [1000]

Exposing myths created by Big Biz agenda-serving agencies at the expense of the people and the Community in the East End of London

The image below has been created by AADHIKARMedia by using a clip broadcast earlier this month on Rupert Murdoch-controlled BSKYB Channel 814.
The "event" was a plug for Crossrail and related claims in the name of "Whitechapel London E1”.
The claim that “Crossrail” equated “jobs” for people in the East End borough of Tower Hamlets has been a routine one that has been retailed in the area for years by the Crossrail Agenda-serving clique in the Tower Hamlets Council. That clique that did the most plugs for the line was associated with Michael Keith and Abbas Uddin’s “stints” as “leader” of the Council in succession. So what is Lutfur doing, repeating the same untruth as had been retailed before? Lutfur cannot be making the claim about “Crossrail” and “jobs” that he knows is flimsy, false and unfounded. If there are jobs that Crossrail has borough, or is brining then those must be real. We ask Lutfur again: where are the Crossrail jobs for Tower Hamlets people, Lutfur? When did they get taken up? How much do they pay?
 What level of jobs are those? 
[To be continued]

DEBUNKING Myths at the expense of the East End [1000]

1725 Hrs GMT London Saturday 16 March 2013

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: The Myths about Toynbee Hall and John Profumo: How Britain’s “mainstream meeja” is full of lies.

About nothing closer to home than the “East End”
The “East End of London” that is. MYTHS after myths have been manufactured and maintained by ignorant, confused, prejudiced and biased persons whose “writings” and “views” have become included in the “records”.

So widespread, so pervasive are the myths and the lies and the exaggerations that there is this urgent need to put regular updater diatribe on line and elsewhere to put a halt to the streams of lies.
The one I am addressing in this Commentary today Saturday 16 march 2013 from a table in Whitechapel Road London E1 is located literally a few hundred yards from the Toynbee Hall. I am writing this one about the Toynbee Hall and John Profumo. Both are of the Right Persuasions.
Whatever the Party affiliations of the OTHERS who constitute the core of the bureaucracy that controls the agenda of the Toynbee Hall, the FACT is that the TOYNBEE HALL is a Social imperialist outfit. It is, has NEVER been a genuine, far less spontaneous, part of the anti-imperialistic movements. 
The “launch pad” that Poverty-Causer Dave Cameron used in February 2011 to mount his anti-Society disenfranchising agenda was the Toynbee Hall.

But you will not get that impression if you read the London EVENING STANDARD web piece dated 13 March 2013, when they did a “social contextual backgrounder” on “high profile convicts”! 

[My phrase, this, NOT the EVENING STANDARD’s] 

I quote their PR piece for John Profumo and the Toynbee Hall

The ES claims are false about BOTH Profumo and Toynbee Hall.

[To be continued]

John Profumo, CBE

Best known for his involvement in the1963 scandal involving a prostitute, which may have helped topple the Conservative government of Harold Macmillan. After his resignation he volunteered as a lavatory cleaner at Toynbee Hall, an East End-based charity fighting against poverty, where he rose to become chief fundraiser. He was awarded a CBE for his involvement and it restored his reputation enough for him to receive an invitation to Margaret Thatcher’s 70th birthday dinner and not lose his membership of Boodle’s Club.

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