Sunday 13 January 2013

DIAGNOSING the headlong degeneration of Tower Hamlets Council into Unfitness for Purpose [10b]

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: Diagnosing the state of the Tower Hamlets Council that has become UNFIT FOR PURPOSE [10b]

0840 [0835] [0705] 
13 January 2013

This one is the start of a phase of my Daily Ethical Commentary that examines the strong and the contextual evidential possibility that  "Tower Hamlets Council's current clique in control" may be in denial about he wrongs and the criminality that are taking place in the borough “in the name of the Council” and being done by public paid staff employed in the name of the London borough of Tower Hamlets Council itself..
Those criminalities and wrongdoings are, for the purpose of the Poplar Baths investment “boasts” that Tower Hamlets Council’s controlling clique has made in relation to  “housing”, as propagated via the Archant ‘local newspaper’ outlets e.g. the former ‘East London Advertiser’ website.
I believe that this claim  will come back many times in the near and the distant future demanding answer.
Where are the 100 “affordable” persons or families that will be able to “afford” the housing that “Tower Hamlets Council” claims it has added to the “Poplar Baths” complex in the blog statement?
And what criteria will be used to allocate the “homes”?
Will the Council’s “housing” operation be in charge?
The one that was condemned by several senior high Court Judges in England as containing a number of senior post-holding employees who behaved in effect as rank liars and wrong doers who conspired to then cover up their lies as part of their bid to deny a man his dues?
What “expertise” does  "Tower Hamlets Council's current clique in control" rely on to make comments - about housing in Tower Hamlets?
What truthful and respectful knowledge does it have about the real life experience over years, decades that ordinary people in Tower Hamlets have endured, tolerated, put up with and suffered about housing and lack of housing?
What can it ["Tower Hamlets Council's current clique in control”] tell the community about what it  actually knows about “homes” and lack of “homes” in the borough?
What actually cause people to “lack a home” in Tower Hamlets?
Does the current controlling clique in Tower Hamlets Council have any part in the causing of homelessness and lack of housing in the Borough of Tower Hamlets?
[To be continued]

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