Monday 12 November 2012

Kay Jordan backed historic KHOODEELAAR! action on 17 January 2006 that defended the community and rescued local MP's career -1


Kay Jordan at another historic KHOODEELAAR! Action demo that RESCUED the land and the local MP
Kay organised the support for that demonstration and stayed the whole course, encouraging participants as usual and making sure that the materials needed to make it an effective event were there
Kay spoke briefly but was focussed on the logistics of the action. That day was organisationally and politically one of the most rewarding, as Kay remarked afterwards.
[To be continued]

Another KHOODEELAAR! Action day that saved not just the land of the community but also RESCUED MP!

0650 [0630] [0540] Hrs GMT
12 November 2012.

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical and Constitutional Law Commentary. And EVIDENTIAL UPDATER

What began as the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign action day to mark the then latest NO to MPs’ stooge role as supplicants to the masters whom they worshipped for the purpose of career enhancements - and perhaps a few ££ in extra allowances - extended into an  additional acton to also rescue the very grievously [in the sense of political credibility, democratic legitimacy and ethical acceptability]  threatened and the fast sinking career of the still theoretically sitting local Constituency MP as well! For it was George Galloway, MP for Bethnal Green and Bow [on 17 January 2006] whose existence as the MP for Bethnal Green and Bow was under the severest attack on the ground that he was “staying” as a guest of the Big Brother House, DIScourtesy of the real pornographer behind that kind of “reality TV”!

Just like Nadine “Nakedly ambitious” Dorries [Mid Sadfordshire!]  is discovering this very moment[0535 GMT Monday 12 November 2012] albeit from the “comforts” of the gratuitously indulged jungle in the occupied land of the Aborigines peoples.

I launched a campaign to rehabilitate the local MP, which action was to see the eventual end to the then Bliar-regime’s PR against Galloway.

So strong and ferocious was the feeling of antipathy towards Galloway among the ordinary members of the community  in Bethnal green and Bow that until that day [when this KHOODEELAAR! demonstration took place in Brick Lane, 17 January 2006] and for the entire whole week that had preceded it, there was no publicly traceable sign of anyone from Galloway’s “supporters” “group/s” making any case in support of the ill-advised venture into the House of DISREPUTE!

I shall update more on that day and what I said in defence of Galloway.

  The reason I shall do so is to also put on the record the fuller extents of the facts in order that one councillor, Lutfa Begum [who became a councillor by aligning herself with Galloway’s “Respect” group], can see what I meant when I told her [about 10 days ago]  that Galloway could NEVER USE ME.

Why did I say that to Lutfa Begum?
Because she had remarked, unprompted and  in passing [that all the careerists in Tower Hamlets... had been] “using” my help. In  my understanding of what she was saying: the opportunists were using my help  to get what they wanted for themselves and then failed to either acknowledge my help let alone show any support or solidarity to the campaigns that I continued after each of their opportunistic engagements ended. Lutfa Begum added: “As did Galloway!”.

I briefly told her that I had HELPED Galloway on the basis of my own Conscience and in the context of the needs of the community at that time. I did not do anything that I wasn’t sure about ethically, morally, democratically and politically, whatever it was that I said and wrote in going on the record and backing Galloway in the Bethnal Green and Bow Constituency.

Everything that I said and wrote in the context of George Galloway’s role whilst he was installed in the House of Commons as MP for the Bethnal Green and Bow Constituency, has been vindicated.

Including the predictions that I made about the agenda, the “visions” and the career plans of the many ETHNIC SURROGATES who surfaced as “politicians” under the banner of Galloway’s  [then active] “Respect”  and did their career things and have now vanished into holes of their own mainly pathetic and selfish “achievements”!!!

  More on that conversation with Lutfa Begum in a later part of this commentary.

  Back to 17 January 2012 and to the then hectic selfish roles being played by the then Bliared Party time-servers who were very nosily c.aiming that the fact that Galloway was in the Big Brother House PROVED that he had failed to “represent the Constituency on such an important issue as the Crossrail project”!

That is where Galloway’s  haters focussed their energy.

And they would have succeeded.

  Galloway’s stock was at its lowest in January 2006  since he had had that period in May 2005 when he lambasted Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight and also APPEARED to have CONQUERED the USA!

In fact Galloway was feted as a “British National Hero” after his “CONQUEST of the USA”. This was proven by Anne Robinson showering praise on Galloway!

  “Didn’t he do well” they muttered, as they exchanged glances of fulfilment inspired by the footage from across “the pond” of Galloway trouncing that “hapless” “American Senator”! And before the honeymoon could take effect, Galloway must have met the evil tempter in the shape of the Big Bother House offer. And suddenly, the era of an internationally famous conqueror of the American Senate [!!!!] had gone straight into the hole reserved for disgrace, ridicule and mocking!

As if his going was not bad enough.

He APPEARED to make matters worse by agreeing to do those “acting” stints that have now become unforgettable in the images and the footage that show Galloway not as a “populist” or “popular” “politician” gibing out a message of political al and social liberation to the masses that “Parliament usually fails to reach...” but depict him at the lowest possible  level of “standing”.

No wonder that his “supporters” were mostly silent!

Confused as to why he had done that.

Embarrassed that he had done that!

No crafty political claim could get anywhere near the massive wall of ridicule and rejection that was being built against Galloway’s claim as a campaigning MP for the Constituency.

So what campaign was on at that time?

Why the Khoodeelaar! Campaign  against the Crossrail hole, of course!

And who better to put the facts on the political table and hurl them back at the Bliar-ites who had aided the propaganda of the lie that Galloway had missed a vital Crossrail event in Parliament?

[To be continued]

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