Sunday 11 November 2012

0755 Hrs GMT London Sunday 11 November 2012. KHOODEELAAR! TOLD FLEET STREET So, SIX years ago: that the BBC lied ! [1]

Muhammad Haque updating on BBC lies for Crossrail hole Bill

AADHIKAR in association with KHOODEELAAR! No to CrossRail hole Bill campaign
About AADHIKAR Media Foundation, LEGAL DISCLAIMER in brief on accessing these contents and what the word AADHIKAR means Updated Saturday 23 September 2006


The 5th edition at 1350 Hrs GMT/UK Time on Wednesday 15 November 2006

AADHIKARonline Wednesday 15 November 2006

1. Khoodeelaar! responds to "Queen’s Speech” inclusion of ‘CrossRail hole Bill’ - [1] Updater on the Khoodeelaar! legal action programme against all concerned who have been promoting the CrossRail hole Bill

By © Muhammad Haque London 1335 Hrs GMT Wednesday 15 November 2006

This is the updated Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill campaign demand on BBC to publish the truth about the Government’s 'about turn' on the Crossrail hole plan - as broadcast in the package in the 'Politics Show' on Sunday 26 march 2006 ".
This demand has been sent to the BBC this afternoon, following the retention of the Crossrail hole Bill in the ‘Queen’s Speech’ delivered today Wednesday 15 November 2006.
To all those with a reasonable grasp of reality generally and with a requisite level of understanding about how the court system operates in the UK, no court action that involves the gamut of the UK constitution [real or fictional] can be effectively mounted without getting the law and the evidence backing the law sorted out.
That is why the Khoodeelaar! legal action programme is taking as long as it is taking.
Our resolve is to get the work done when we get inside the court. Or within the court system. We have therefore renewed our demand to the BBC which had been sent in March this year for them to publish the truth on CrossRail. They have failed to do so. And in the run up to today’s Queen’s SPEECH inclusion of Crossrail, the BBC had been leading with the brazenly one-sided, untruthful promotion of the crass Crossrail hole Bill. As I have pointed out in the past week as well, the BBC has plugged the City of London Corporation’s Michael Snyder's own pack of CrossRail hole lies and promotions without asking for a view from either Khoodeelaar! or from any other known or identifiable commentator critical of the Crossrail hole Bill. . There have been no comments expressed over the BBC against any aspect of the hugely flawed and wasteful CrossRail Bill.
Here is what we have sent to the BBC today [15 November 2006], reiterating the contents of our communication originally sent to them on 31 March 2006: .
As already published by the khoodeelaaronline service with effect from about 1430 Hrs GMt on Sunday 26 March 2006, the khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail hole attacks on the East End has maintained that the BBC refused to or failed to show the full range of facts about the CrossRail hole and it did not give enough time to showing the facts.

8. Based on this afternoon’s [31 March 2006] assertion by the ‘programme editor’ of the alleged debate in studio in the package on CrossRail, it is reiterated herewith and hereby that that was not a ‘debate’ that elicited the facts that must be drawn to the attention of viewers of BBC programmes on such topics as CrossRail and their impact on the lives of people and communities.
9. The programme editor is hereby and herewith being asked to substantiate his statements or to apologise for making false and defamatory statements."
[Extracted from the Khoodeelaar! legal communication as sent to the presenter of the BBC Politics Show package as broadcast on Sunday 26 March 2006 which contained contributions on Crossrail from a number of MPs and from a man from CLRL at that time that were untrue and false. Khoodeelaar! has been waiting for the BBC to publish the truth on Crossrail ever since 26 March 2006. Now, as the legal action programme gets nearer to being implemented, the Khoodeelaar! legal claims will include claims against the BBC
[To be continued]

# Khoodeelaar! mandate from the meeting held on 22 January 2006: get Tower Hamlets Council to pass No to Crossrail hole Motion - Update here during Wednesday 15 November 2006

# How many times do the 'electors', 'local community' have to remind the 'councillors' that they [the councillors] have to behave with dignity rather than lie ?

#What have the voters been telling councillors on Tower Hamlets Council since 4 May 2006?

 What is George Galloway 'local MP' for Bethnal Green and Bow, able to show as his 'achievements' since he was elected by a majority of just over 800 votes in May 2005? What doe George Galloway’s record as 'elected MP' say about how much 'respect' he has for the parliamentary constituents in whose name he enjoys the 'notices' and access as 'MP'?

# Khoodeelaar! No to a lies-filled, illegitimate charter and pledge for looters of the common resource, disguised as a democratic mandate as flaunted in the scheduled Queen's Speech today

# Breaking news here

# The Muhammad Haque Political commentary on a ‘political day’ in Blaired Britain when the public will be told a pack of lies, which will be in the main accepted and tolerated by the brainwashed public. The process of brainwashing will be perpetrated via the BBC and broadcasting and electronic media. Nothing will be heard of the rights of the people, only how they can be told lies and how much of the lies they will put up with and accept. By the evidence of the past few hundred years, the public will accept almost all the lies, even though there may be mild murmurs to suggest the contrary!

In the pack of lies, one particular element will be featuring the latest demands and dictates of Big Business as conveyed via the media already and issued from the City of London Corporation.
The lying component will go something like this- that ‘business’ in Britain is doing well, so [utterly illogically!] the public must fund the next plot hatched by Big Business…
This will be a plea for the public funding of Crossrail hole project..
There will be no evidence to support any assertion or claim they will make for the crassly conceived CrossRail hole scheme. No questions will be asked in the formal halls of the so-called democratic Houses of British Parliament. Nor in the public paid studios of the so-called free speaking media.. And the mainly parasitic careerists and small-timers, styling themselves 'Parliamentarians', will not be heard, other than in ritualistically making the odd noise for the benefit of the Big Business agenda setters and their controlled agents now in Government. So much for democracy! So much for the open and transparent and the democratic accountability by the Executive to the democratic parliament!!!!….

It is against this context that the Campaign for the defence of the community in the East End against CrossRail will have to be maintained and progressed.
[To be continued]

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