Saturday 25 August 2012

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: FILING these from the front lines in the “East End” of London

2135 [2130] [2032] [2020] [1902] 
Hrs GMT 
Saturday 25 August 2012:

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary

FILING these from the front lines  in the “East End” of London  where the “installed leaders” are either ostriches or they are drunk, on the real liquor or  the exaggerated impact of the brainwashing they receive in daily dosages: they are the approved leaders.

AS such they do not know the people in whose name they trade as such nor do they care for the rights of the people...

[UPDATE Part 1] 

The fight for the defence of the community is a fight that must be fought on several, parallel levels. 

It is not just the City of London interests and Big Business.

The fight is as intense against the ingrained ignorance of the “masses” who collectively constitute the first “body” that is “defended. 
The calamity of ignorance is so huge that it is most often the case that the Big Business wins simply because the masses are submerged in the ignorance that is their first contacted form of the real oppressor.

The concept of universality of values may be so “easy” for me to write about as I battle against indescribable physical obstructions in a rainy evening in the “East End” of London to get across to a “section” of “leaders” the plain importance of documentary evidential sources which warrant the highest respect, care and protection.

This is not the first time at all that the critical moment of my contextual encounter with the agencies of darkness has occurred during the past decades of battle.

There is the charade of amity that is put on by the perpetrators “possessing the levers of locally based power of the moment” DULY [unduly] followed by their sharp denial of all pretences at being consciously COMPLIANT with the morality and the ethics of their duties.
That denial is of course aggravated further by their countering all claims against them with a charge that the claimant is at fault for the callousness of the obstructors.

There, in the above summary, is a concise picture of the routine that is witnessed right across the “East End” of London every single day.
So the OPPRESSORS are not remote. They are most closely located and sited to the targets of the oppression.

Sometimes the proximity is so close that any recent observer who might have landed from Mars on this part of Planet Earth would be left with no logical alternative to concluding that these behavioural displays denote the absence of all distinctions between the right and the wrong, between the good and the bad, between the just and the unjust.
And between the contaminated and the clean.
[To be continued]

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