Friday 24 August 2012

ALTAB ALI Martyredom: Part 2 of the MUHAMMAD HAQUE commentaryPart 2 of the MUHAMMAD HAQUE commentary: The offensive material must be withdrawn

ALTAB ALI Martyredom: Part 2 of the MUHAMMAD HAQUE commentary: The offensive material must be withdrawn by “TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL” and a truthful ethical and universal message against discrimination of all descriptions and upholding the universal values of human rights and fundamental equality of entitlements put in

0840 [0820]  Hrs GMT London Friday 24 August 2012.

By © Muhammad Haque.

WHAT IS this “TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL” that has allowed such outrageous “facts” to be put on permanent display? Firstly, it is the same core corrupt bureaucracy that had been involved i “inviting” the Crossrail hole attacks o the community. It was THE COMMUNITY Campaign, mobilised and conducted by KHOODEELAAR! that exposed that particular corrupt collusion and stopped the hole.

It is the same community that is now in mobilisation mode that will see that the latest assault by the corrupt  “TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL” bureaucracy is  admitted to and the “TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL” bureaucracy  is made to see the latest error of its ways and to apologise  immediately to the community for the outrageous distortion about Altab Ali and about Tosir Ali, Ishaque Ali and Kennith Singh and the others who were martyred by racists in  the same decades.
The offensive material must be withdrawn by “TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL” and a truthful ethical and universal message against discrimination of all descriptions and upholding the universal values of human rights and fundamental equality of entitlements put in 

[To be continued]

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