Thursday 2 August 2012

BHANGEELAAR! tells the Guardian how to stop Bakers’ agent Boris the twisted zip....

The campaign against an elected executive mayor.
0700 GMT Thursday 02 August 2012
COMMET on the Guardian website:

I reflect on how much Boris owes Tony Blair – without him, there would have been no London mayor position, no Olympics to exploit and possibly, no Ken Livingstone as candidate last time.

So there we have it from the over-hyped by-line of none other than Tony Blair’s very own Faker-in-chief! He has not given up has he, Mr Campbell.
To him, Tony  Bliar belies the truth and he still prevails!
The source, the endless source of all things immoral. It is a gratuitous admission and claim to make so late in  the context of empirical proceedings.
The admission does get one or two very important facts wrong, too.
Firstly, contrary to the Reactionary and sub-fasistic mythology created via Fleet Street about “Red Ken”, the true records of Ken Livingstone’s political strategy wil vindicate the analysis that Livingstone’ had always been a pragmatic with an  eye focussed on the events yet to come.
His ERROR was that he trusted too many subterranean Bliarites this time round. He was also the target of a sickly antidemocratic orchestra that was playing loudly from most of the “Labour Houses” that got taken over by ghosts of the Blair devil
The conductors of that orchestra did not have democracy as their objective.
They smeared Ken Livingstone ruthlessly and Mr Boris Johnson was a loud & amoral participant and party to that brazen smear war on Ken Livingstone.
His glee was a disgraceful spectacle as he savoured the atmosphere of “smear Livingstone” that ruled the waves of PR for four weeks in April 2012.

The other fact that Mr Campbell has got wrong is to credit Bliar with the introduction of an elected mayor thing in London.
There again,  Ken Livingstone was short-changed by the Bliar.
Had Livingstone remained committed to the key values of the original pro-democracy programme for  London  that had been widely agreed among Labour movement activists against Thatcher's assault on the Greater London Council, the “London mayor” office would not have been created.
Nor could it be democratically sustained. Livingstone must have trusted the devil in a moment of deeply “apolitical detachment” or of  personal disillusion. Hence his acceptance of the "elected executive mayor" lure!
That shows that Bliar has politically bankrupted the former Labour Party and Bliared the democratic fervour off it.
Mr Campbell is the last person to be allowed to even suggest that he is here making a truthful or objective assessment of any of that.
As for Bojo’s desperate displays of decomposing “dignity”, they have less to do with Bojo’s occupation of the Onion and more to do with the still heavily corrupt influence that dominates the agenda of most of the British media outlets and certainly of Fleet Street-except probably a slender Guardian.
They know the many fabrications and fakeries that Boris has been party to but they are allowing him to behave as if he can do whatever he fancies.
This is why it is most irresponsible for any community of electors [either at London level or at local borough levels] to allow elected executive mayor posts to be continued. Scrap the office.
Everywhere. Start rebuilding a democratically answerable, accountable community represented and served by accountable public spirited servants.
Ken Livingstone has a role here: he can still join the movement for creating a democratic London.
That will see off the clown-faced agent of the toxic Big business & assorted forces  of robbery and plunder of Society faster than Alastair Campbell can fabricate another fantasy by associating  with the untenable image of an even less tenable figure so deeply submerged in the tears & blood of violations of so many innocent people.
The campaign against an elected executive mayor.
0700 GMT Thursday 02 August 2012

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