Thursday 2 August 2012

AADHIKARonline Original world exclusive caption: "Boris caught on zip wire as he dashes to escape questions over his latest date with Rupert Murdoch"

2355 [2330] Hrs GMT London Wednesday 01 August 2012:

Editor © Muhammad Haque

AADHIKARonline Original world exclusive caption: "Boris caught on zip wire as he dashes to escape questions over his latest date with Rupert Murdoch"
“Boris Johnson caught out as he makes a desperate dash to escape questioning public after news leaked that he had secretly invited Rupert Murdoch to a Olympic event..."

Boris Johnson has had several reasons to want  to escape the questioning about his latest date with the Dirt Digger.
AFTER ALL it was only a few weeks ago that full details came out as to how Boris Johnson made untrue and untruthful statements about his links with Murdoch.
He was caught lying about his motives for dismissing the  Murdoch Dirty Digging wrongdoing as being the products of Labour Pray propaganda.
It was nothing to do with the Labour Party.
Innocent people had been targeted by Murdoch papers and Boris knew that to have been the case.

Yet he backed the Dirty Digger while hiding the fact that he was in conversations with Murdoch and more than one of Murdoch’s employees at Wapping, situated in London E1 in the “London Borough of Tower Hamlets"!
. Wednesday’s stunt by Boris to avoid questioning over his latest Murdoch date will not succeed and Boris Johnson will be exposed for the toxic agent of the shadier, cruder and the corrupting ends of Big Business that he has been.

Boris Johnson is desperate to deflect attention away from his sleazy relationships with Big Business that is looting the UK public and making the UK economy bankrupt.
But Boris cannot hide the truth for long.
No amount of fakery including his dire display of the “English flag” will be enough to protect him from the inevitable audit that he must face.
Boris Johnson has abused the public office every time he has made a statement backing the crooked ends of Big Business including the Barclays Bank.
Boris is not fit for public office, whether in the name of the public of London or at any other level of the state in the UK.
[To be continued] 

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