Wednesday 2 May 2012

Muhammad Haque questions Dave Cameron’s judgment peddling a Boris image

Desperate "Dave" Cameron in callous bid to sell Boris as “fit”  for London votes!

Evening Standard

Muhammad Haque questions Dave Cameron’s judgment in asking “London voters to back a perpetrator of an attempted cover up for the highly antisocial role by Murdoch Media Empire”.

The Muhammad Haque comment was posted on the Evening Standard web site in the past 40 minutes.
Here is the comment in full:
Is "Dave" Cameron aware of the Leveson inquiry’s revelation  as reported by the Guardian today that Boris Johnson had knowingly made a misleading statement about the phone hacking scandal? And the disclosure that Boris was faking it all along until the BBC’s Tim Donavon got him into a corner that resulted in Boris dropping his “bluff ” disguise? 
With such  undeniable evidence, how can any responsible Prime Minister ask London voters to back a perpetrator of an attempted cover up for the highly antisocial role by Murdoch Media Empire?
1320 GMT
02 May 2012


Full interview: Boris Johnson has a big heart… you don’t have to be Tory to vote for him, says PM

Gentleman prefers blond: Cameron says he “greatly admires” Boris Johnson
As ashen Conservatives were coming to terms with the chaotic results of the last general election, Rachel Johnson, sister of the Mayor of London, tweeted: “It’s all gone tits up. Call for Boris.”
Two years later, David Cameron finds himself once more taunted by the Frankenstein’s monster he created as Mayor. As the Prime Minister’s personal ratings slump, the Boris Johnson campaign trail is the only show in town. London’s version of Gerard Depardieu, part man, part appetite, Boris is an oxymoron, a popular Tory. Hisunofficial campaign slogan has become BojoGotTheMojo.
 If he wins tomorrow, Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne will have to digest the weekend headlines: Boris to the Rescue.
While Ken Livingstone has undoubtedly benefited from Ed Miliband’s endorsement, there is a question mark over whether the Prime Minister’s support for the Mayor is a help or a hindrance. It seems unsporting to mention this to Cameron in the week he has been accused of running a mate-ocracy and Rupert Murdoch has been declared by MPs as unfit to run a company. On the other hand, the Premier has said that journalists and politicians should not be cosy.
Looking composed after his flushed anger in the House of Commons the day before, Cameron offers me “the Chancellor’s chair” next to him in his reception room — which looks vaguely modelled on the study of an Eton headmaster. The Chancellor’s Chair! Isn’t this mate-ocracy too far?
I ask first if he regrets ever clapping eyes on Rupert Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks and he answers carefully: “The relationship got too close ... Lessons can be learned.”
Is one lesson that social and professional life are not the same thing? He reels off some names of colleagues who are not social friends and defends his close relationship with George Osborne. “The Prime Minister and the Chancellor don’t have screaming arguments every day — instead of the great divisive nature of the government of the past 13 years where the people  in the two most powerful jobs couldn’t speak to each other.”
But does friendship constrain the Prime Minister from challenging his Chancellor? Should he have questioned his Budget, for instance?“ Look at the record,” says Cameron, stiffening. “I have strong disagreements with William Hague who I have known for years, or with George Osborne. I don’t keep people in their jobs because they are my friends.”
Furthermore, he argues, it is odd to accuse him of running a mate-ocracy when he presides over a Coalition. So he is actually surrounded by frenemies rather than mates?
“We are fighting an election,” he says. “ On Thursday Conservatives and Liberal Democrats are going to be knocking nine bells out of each other.”
Cameron has a fighting streak, which his opponents — and sometimes his own side — categorise as public-school bullying. He says he has not spoken to Nadine Dorries since the Tory backbencher called her Prime Minister and the Chancellor “two arrogant posh boys”, but he looks deflated at the tenaciousness of the description.
He says, hopefully, that he finds people judge him on his policies and values rather than labels. “I have never tried to hide my background or upbringing,” he sighs.
How does someone associated with ease and cricket whites cope with the dark thunder of public opinion? “In politics you will have times when you are very popular and that shouldn’t go to your head, and there will be times when you are very unpopular and you shouldn’t take your eye off what your are trying to achieve,” says Cameron.
But he was clearly very rattled in the Commons by the barrage of accusations about his Government’s relationship with the Murdoch empire. “I was fired up,” he concedes. “When your integrity is questioned, it is frustrating. I want to get to the truth. It may be my frustration showing because I think this is an argument about process not principle.”
Did he continue his rant at home, I wonder, or is it a political display only? “Samantha was away last night, so I was home alone with the children,” he smiles. “I hope they found their porridge was properly constituted in the morning and normal level of service was there.”
Cameron starts the day with a patrician bowl of porridge. Boris says his breakfast is spaghetti from the night before. There’s the difference. The Prime Minister’s complexion is peachy, his eyes clear, he is in good shape. But it must be wearing him down?
“I am an optimistic person, I always want to believe the best of people. I look for possibilities on the better side rather than the darker side. I think that is something I inherited from my dad. But that doesn’t mean I am starry-eyed or naive.
"What we are engaged in in Britain is a very difficult job of recovering from the deepest, longest recession of anyone’s memory.”
So how is it that the reasonable, responsible, pragmatic Prime Minister is out of favour in these grim times, while a dishevelled blond whirlwind who dismisses unwelcome questions as f***king bollocks is suddenly the voter’s darling?
A close acquaintance of Cameron and Johnson tells me that the Prime Minister and Chancellor share Ken Livingstone’s view of Boris. They all regard him as an infuriating showman who they do not trust an inch. But to me, David Cameron  heaps on the praise of his old Etonian rival.
I mention that Ladbroke’s are now running odds of 4-1 on Boris being the next Tory prime minister. “Look,” says Cameron. “The most important message to Londoners is ‘don’t believe the bookmakers, don’t believe the opinion polls, make absolutely sure you go out and vote for Boris on Thursday’.”
As Mayor or Prime Minister? I ask innocently.
Cameron juts out his  jaw. “Boris is a great politician, he has a huge amount to give this country in all sorts of ways, he is someone I greatly admire, but the first thing is to let him carry on with the very good work he is doing  for London.”
Does the Prime Minister feel threatened by Boris? “NO!!!!!” he replies, with feeling. “I suffer from the opposite of tall poppy syndrome. I want to have as many tall poppies around me as possible. I am giving the country the chance to have many more Borises (via elected mayors in the big cities). I want a Boris in Birmingham, I want a Boris in Leeds, I want a Boris in Bradford. They don’t all have to be members of the Johnson family.”
So if Cameron is a fan of BoJo, will he give him a job if he loses the mayoral election? He elegantly sidesteps the question. “I am not even contemplating ... I don’t want to even think about life under Livingstone.”
It is notable that as Cameron metaphorically hugs Johnson close to him, Johnson wriggles away. He has not sought photo opportunities with the Prime Minister and never seems to mention him when he is canvassing.  Cameron is philosophical about his elusive comrade.
“I try to help in any way I can, but Boris is his own man. We work very closely together, when he doesn’t agree with something the Government is doing he says so.”
 Usually to the newspapers, as it happens. Recently Boris berated the Prime Minister for not getting a grip of immigration. He has also taken his own line on tax cuts. Does Cameron envy the Mayor who can say what he pleases? Isn’t Boris a more authentic Conservative than the Prime Minister? Cameron looks offended. “I say what I think, but obviously in a Coalition there are constraints.”
In a way, David Cameron got the top job, but Boris got the prize. The Mayor recently described to me his relationship with the Prime Minister as “very competitive”. Is that how Cameron feels? “I really don’t think like that, we are in the same team, in the same party, when I see Boris succeed I think GOOD.”
But why is Boris so much more popular than the Tory Party? “People have a very warm view of Boris, because he has a big personality ... you don’t have to be Conservative to vote for Boris, you can dislike all the political parties but you can vote for Boris because he has a big heart and he is doing the right thing for London.”
Ok, one last go. If the Prime Minister had to choose between Boris and George Osborne as his successor who would he pick?
His gives a tight chuckle. “Fortunately, that would not be my task.”
The Prime Minister needs votes in London as much as Boris does. He regards the capital as “ a huge motor of our economy” and stresses that “we need to sort out the Heathrow problem which is pressing and urgent”.
On immigration, he says: “We have a lot of work to do. We have made some important steps ... but there is more to be done. You are dealing with a very big shift from totally uncontrolled immigration to controlled immigration.”
A significant social issue for the capital is gay marriage. David Cameron is reportedly wavering on his commitment after a furious backlash from heartland Tories. He says there is an ongoing consultation but he is “clear about my views”, adding, “I ask myself the question, why is it that we deny gay couples the ability to get married, and I don’t think that’s right.”
His opponents are within his party as well as the Church. “Obviously this is a controversial issue,” says Cameron. “I feel the time for change has come. If you ask, particularly young people, they say this feels like a very natural change to make ... We are not changing what happens in church.” 
When I question him about the opposition of the Church, and ask if he has a liberal preference for the next Archbishop of Canterbury, he suddenly looks genuinely upset. “I have said enough. I don’t want to start getting into a fight with the Church.” He adds: “The Conservative Party has been on a journey to where all small-c institutions go, in a modern world, which is that if marriage is good for heterosexuals it is good for gay couples too.”
I wonder if the rest of the Conservative Party is on the same journey as their leader. Are they tiring of his reforming and modernising? The gains of Ukip in the opinion polls for the London elections are striking.
The Prime Minister replies: “I am a heartfelt Conservative. The reason I wanted to lead the Conservative Party was that I felt it needed to make important changes, to broaden the base of its support...” He continues: “Still, we are not doing nearly as well as we should among ethnic minority people in London. Boris is an enormous asset in getting this argument across and we have a lot more work to do to say to people who come to live in Britain, the Conservative Party is there for you.”
And what about the plausibility of a  future coalition with Ukip? Could Cameron imagine a rose garden conference with Nigel Farage?
“I wouldn’t go there...”
“What, never?”
“If you are clairvoyant ... I don’t think that is what is going to happen. When it comes to the next election, do you want a Conservative-led government, or to go backwards with Labour or waste your votes on one of these other parties, that is the key question.”
Then the Prime Minister springs up, ready to roll with the punches, preparing, with no outward sign of trepidation, for the tumultuous possibilities of a Boris victory.
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Muhammad Haque (Logout)
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Muhammad HaqueLess than a minute ago
Is "Dave" Cameron aware of the Leveson inquiry’s revelation as reported by the Guardian today that Boris Johnson had knowingly made a misleading statement about the phone hacking scandal? And the disclosure that Boris was faking it all along until the BBC’s Tim Donavon got him into a corner that resulted in Boris dropping his “bluff ” disguise? 
With such undeniable evidence, how can any responsible Prime Minister ask London voters to back a perpetrator of an attempted cover up for the highly antisocial role by Murdoch Media Empire?
1320 GMT
02 May 2012
Anonymous16 minutes ago
Dave, old chum.

Marriage is a sacrament and in the hands of the Church. It is not in the gift of the government to set churches on a collision course with hard-core activists.

Civil union is good enough for everybody. Marriage is what happens in churches.
Arfur Towcrate58 minutes ago
"you don’t have to be Tory to vote for Boris" - just a completely useless nondescript twit.

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