Thursday 3 May 2012

Muhammad Haque diagnosing Cameron and the threat to Society that Boris carries

1905 Hrs GMT
Thursday 03 May 2012
The serious problems facing Society in Britain
are getting worse by the day.
And why is this so?
There is no audit of the power holders. Or rather there no audit of the holders of positions.
The Parliamentary
rituals, taking as a shorthand guide the most “interesting” ones of the past say ten months, have been about 
Yet it could have been so different, had it not been for the rigourous work of a handful of determined journalists, including Nick Davies of the Guardian. This is a very worrying state of Society.
The utter majority of “Fleet Street” is peddling untruths and behave even more dishonestly than could be found in the “editorial policies” of the word’s officially decried dictatorships and fascist , totalitarian states.
The behaviour of the London Evening Standard is a toxic tip of the sub-fasistic iceberg that threatens Society today.
How they are dressing up Boris to make the next assault o Society look “desirable”!
Boris is the ideological Trojan  horse for the forces that Cameron touts for and serves.
Boris deserved to be stopped today!
Examine those  who berated  the Labour candidate in a synchronised orchestra played daily via the broadcast Media in this context.
All of these factors need to be taken into account when considering Cameron and his “importance”.
The “Labour Party” is not coming across as the ideological alternative. The Trade Unions are at their weakest when it comes to articulating agenda for  a Society which is at once ethical, just, democratic and safe.
“Dave” Cameron is only able to come across as being “substantial”  because the Opposition is neither deeply ethically coherently expressed nor is it sustained.
It must be both.
[To be continued]
1905 GMT
03 May 2012

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