Saturday 14 April 2012

Muhammad Haque world exclusive commentary about Barack H Obama and the "news” Saturday about a squad of his bodyguards linked to 'prostitutes'

© Muhammad Haque world exclusive commentary about Barack H Obama and the "news” Saturday about a squad of his bodyguards being linked to a prostitution scandal

1830 Hrs GMT



14 April 2012

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: DSK-’like’ “news” that MAY be later linked to Barack H Obama’s “fitness” for a Second Term!!!

Are these but mere tiny tiny signs that the Conrad Blackked DAILY TELEGRAPH Media Group will AT LAST succeed in doing what it had failed to do some years ago? Catch Obama in a sex trap. In a moral fix out of which Mr Hussein n cannot wriggle his way!!

In other words, The Telegraph is hoping against hope that it CAn prove that Barack Hussein CANNOT!

in recall reading one fo those very IFFY-suggesting pieces in the London TELEGRAPH [or in a similarly bent “Fleet Street” title] which was & remains the only source [for me] for makig the claim that the then very unrecognised Barack Obama had plagiarised someone and had invented a number of personal ID factors.

That claim never got stood up significantly at all and in did not come across either the Telegraph Group or even the London Spectator makig any similar claim.

And Mr Hussein Obama duly entered the well publicised House and laid claim to the even more well publicised Oval Office inside it.

Until probably now, today, Saturday, 14 April 2012 when the Telegraph is running what to me reads like a very similar attempt.

With the passage of years and the “contribution” to historic analogies involuntarily made by the DSK of France, the potential for mischief makig by Obama’s political foes has suddenly got very plausible referability.

“Obama caught in a prostitution scandal around his Columbia trip!” looks like a very real possibility in news terms!

And the Telegraph has got on with it already!

[To be continued]


Barack Obama's bodyguards sent back to US after prostitution scandal

A dozen Secret Service agents sent to Colombia to provide security for President Barack Obama at an international summit have been relieved of duty over alleged misconduct.

Barack Obama under fire for picking a crony fundraiser as his ambassador to Britain
Mr Obama's campaign promises to change politics as usual had raised hopes that he would not continue the practise of doling out prized ambassadorships to cronies Photo: AP

They are the stern-faced besuited agents, earphones in place, eyes scouring crowds for potential threats, who accompany US leaders across the world to protect their safety, ready to lay down their lives if necessary.

But an advance party of Secret Service agents deployed to Colombia to oversee security for President Barack Obama’s visit this weekend also apparently found time to pursue some local diversions.

About 12 agents have been sent home in disgrace in a prostitution scandal after at least one woman complained to police in the city of Cartagena, which is hosting the Summit of the Americas, that she had not been paid.

The agents, some of whom are married and including at least two supervisors, brought several prostitutes back to rooms in their hotel, which is also housing US delegation members and media.

“This is the worst scandal in the history of the agency,” said Ronald Kessler, author of In The President’s Secret Service, who broke the story after receiving a tip from an agency source.

Although prostitution is legal in Colombia inside so-called “tolerance zones”, the agents could still have been exposed to blackmail and the business is closely connected to crime and drug gangs.

The Columbian police contacted American diplomats, who tried to mediate the dispute and keep a lid on the crisis as a new crew of agents were rushed to the country from the US. US officials insisted that there was no danger to Mr Obama and that the shamed agents had already been replaced by the time the president arrived in Cartagena on Friday evening.

But two explosions from home-made pipe-bombs in the city on Friday evening and two more blasts in the capital in Bogota, were a reminder of the security dangers in Colombia.

Despite marked improvements in recent years, the country has long been plagued by far-left political terrorism, drug cartel violence and kidnappings.

"This is a very bad security breach is being taken extremely seriously inside the agency,” Mr Kessler told The Sunday Telegraph.

“Aside from the morality issues, even if prostitution is legal, this conduct opened these men up to the threat of blackmail. Terrorists could have gained access to secure areas and that could have resulted in an assassination attempt. The consequences could have been extremely serious”.

The incident also threatened to overshadow Mr Obama’s efforts to focus on the economy and boosting trade ties with fast-growing Latin America.

With Hispanic voters in the US crucial to his re-election hopes in November, the president has been keen to use the summit to show he is engaged in a region that critics have accused him of largely ignoring.

Colombian media reported that prostitutes descended on Cartagena ahead of the summit, where heads-of-state and delegations from 34 of the hemimsphere’s 35 countries – Cuba is absent - are discussing trade, the economy and regional co-operation.

The agents were staying at Cartagena's Hotel Caribe, which is also hosting members of the White House staff and press corps during the summit. A hotel employee said the agents arrived at the beachfront hotel about a week ago, and claimed they were drinking heavily during their stay.

The employee said the agents left the hotel Thursday, a day before Mr Obama and other regional leaders arrived for the weekend summit.

Edwin Donovan, a Secret Service spokesman, said the agency’s Office of Professional Responsibility, which serves as its internal affairs unit, is investigating the men’s actions.

“The Secret Service takes all allegations of misconduct seriously,” Mr Donovan said. “These personnel changes will not affect the comprehensive security plan that has been prepared in advance of the President’s trip.”

The scandal – which prompted headlines such as “Secret Service Gone Wild” on Saturday - is the latest embarrassment for the agency under the Obama administration.

In a major breach of security that shocked Washington, three party-crashers talked their way past Secret Service agents into a White House state dinner hosted by the president in 2009 despite not having an invitation.

And in August, a Secret Service agent was arrested for drunken driving in Iowa, where he as arranging security for a visit by Mr Obama.

The agent, who was off-duty at the time, was recently sentenced to two days in jail and fined $1,250.

On the eve of the summit, Radio Cadena Nacional (RCN), a leading Colombian station, broadcast a special feature about the "thriving and well-organised" prostitution racket in Cartagena.

The programme featured interviews with local taxi drivers who take visitors to areas where they could find women. Once the price - usually around 80,000 Colombian pesos (£30) - had been negotiated, they drove the couple to a secluded area or to a network of residences where rooms could be rented by the hour.

"All the prostitutes are heading to Cartagena for the summit," one woman told the station.

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