Saturday 14 April 2012

AADHIKARonline diagnosing the Media coverage of Ken Livingstone crying ES

1420 1410] [1400] Hrs GMT
14 April 2012
Editor © Muhammad Haque

AADHIKARonline diagnosing the Media coverage of Ken Livingstone crying ES +BBC R4.
Click HERE to view our diagnostic video with R4 panel as well as short film of the EVENING STANDARD web piece
The audio clip [recorded on Saturday 14 April 2012, BBC Radio 4] starts with Harriet Harman speaking. She is followed by Ken Clarke, Will Self and Bronwen Maddox.
The Muhammad Haque Comment on the EVENING STANDARD web site has not bee matched by any of the BBC R4 panel members. or by the others who have so far commented elsewhere including the BBC news Channel and SKY news
We shall examine the issue extensively in the days to come. [To be continued]

The Muhammad Haque Comment on the EVENING STANDARD

Muhammad Haque
23 hours ago
Labour bloggers today suggested that everyone in the film was in fact acting. A spokesman strenuously denied this. Unquote.

If the above is the truth of the matter the it shows that the Labour Party bureaucracy may be being used to give credibility to the pro-Con propaganda.
Legally and constitutionally speaking, a party political broadcast is not and cannot be a sworn affidavit to the electorate. It is a party political broadcast. And as such it is, as it has to be “acted”. It is about general attitude. General being the operative word.
To be seen to be fair in your reporting and editorial agenda, you have to be seen to be probing the behaviour of the other side as assiduously as you have so far done about the Ken Livingstone side.

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