Friday 27 April 2012

Evening Standard so desperate to keep the Tories in power it defames all of Tower Hamlets

Quoting the headline to the Joe Murphy piece on the Evening Standard Friday 27 April 2012

Tory chief warns of voter fraud links to Ken Livingstone backers

Unquoting the headline to the  Joe Murphy piece on the Evening Standard Friday 27 April 2012

Having read the piece, there is neither any legally verifiable evidence nor any other reasonable proof or even a suggestion that either Ken Livingstone in particular or anyone else in his campaign has been linked with any fraudulent vote whatever.

So the logical and the evidential conclusion must be that you have run a deliberately untrue piece which is likely to mislead at least some potential voters.

That will be a criminal offence if you are taken to court after polling day.
Your publication will almost certainly fa within the category of criminal libel too. especially as you have shown no regard for the incitements to racist hatred that appear as part of your publication albeit as “comments’. That is a  foreseeable consequence of your original  publication.

On  23 April 2012, a mere 4 days ago, the proprietor of the Evening Standard and the Independent wrote as follows:-

“Our libel laws are among the most repressive in the world. Further legislation, particularly the removal of a public interest defence or the introduction of a privacy law, would be disastrous.”

I am now calling on  Mr Evgeny Lebedev to put a halt to what you have been publishing under the supposed cover of freedom of the press. Your latest piece seriously undermines Evgeny Lebedev’s claims, which you can access via the following web page address.

1534 Hrs GMT London Friday 27 April 2012

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