Saturday 28 April 2012

Contrast the continuing "luck and craft" of "East End" "Baroness" Pola Uddin!!!!

From the DAILY MAIL web site:

Former MP in expenses case 'a broken woman': Margaret Moran ruled unfit to appear in court

  • Former Luton South MP accused of falsely claiming huge sums and is suffering from extreme anxiety
  • Lewes Crown Court told her ruined career and being abandoned by the Labour party have caused her mental decline

Former Labour MP Margaret Moran is a 'broken woman' and mentally unfit to plead to charges of falsely claiming £80,000 in expenses, a court ruled yesterday.
The 56-year-old is at times suicidal and has tried to harm herself since the allegations of defrauding the taxpayer ended her political career, doctors said.
She was also said to feel 'abandoned' by the Labour Party.
The judge ruled Moran was too 'mentally fragile' to appear in court, meaning that the case will be heard in her absence by a jury later this year.
Lewes Crown Court told her ruined career and being abandoned by the Labour party have caused her mental decline
Margaret Moran, Labour MP for Luton South
Showing the strain: An aged Margaret Moran cried as she left court last year after hearing charges regarding her expenses. Right, the ex-MP  at Westminster during better times
The former MP for Luton South faces 15 charges of false accounting and six other counts of submitting forged invoices.
Moran is accused of repeatedly 'flipping' her designated second home to allow her to claim Parliamentary expenses for work to properties in London, Luton and Southampton over four years.
She is alleged to have claimed £22,500 to treat dry rot at a home in Southampton, more than 100 miles from her constituency. The home was originally owned solely by her then fiancĂ© and now husband, Michael Booker.
Moran, who stood down at the last election, is also said to have dishonestly claimed £4,756 for kitchen units and £14,805 for emergency boiler repairs and work on a conservatory.
Forensic psychiatrist Dr Philip Joseph told yesterday's hearing she should not take part in court proceedings because she was suffering from a depressive illness, extreme anxiety and agitation.
He told Lewes Crown Court in East Sussex that she would find a trial stressful, saying: 'She has feelings of abandonment from the Labour Party. It remains a concern she may commit suicide. Bear in mind she has attempted to harm herself.'
Allegations: Margaret Moran is accused of 'flipping' around her home address, including to this one in Luton, to make improvements at the taxpayers' expense
Allegations: Margaret Moran is accused of 'flipping' around her home address, including to this one in Luton, to make improvements at the taxpayers' expense
Dr Joseph said Moran's mental problems affected her ability to concentrate and remember events, and became 'most severe' when she discussed the case. Asked if Moran might be exaggerating her 'catastrophic reaction' he said it was unlikely. Three psychiatric reports were commissioned and all agreed she was not fit to plead.
Dr Joseph said Moran felt she was 'being punished for past mistakes [and] for incidents in her childhood and adolescence' but did not explain further.
He told the court: 'When she was an MP she was an exuberant personality. When that was taken away, she looked physically crushed and hunched.'
He added: 'Everything she used to bolster her self-esteem in her adult life has come crashing down and that feeling of public shame and vilification was causing her to become a broken woman.'
Moran did not have to attend yesterday's hearing.
The judge, Mr Justice Saunders, said Moran had told a psychiatrist, 'I just want to plead guilty and be punished', but said she was unlikely to have given the allegations 'proper consideration'.
He adjourned the case to Southwark Crown Court in London for a three-day hearing with a jury in November.
Moran is the fifth Labour MP to face prosecution over the expenses scandal. David Chaytor, Eric Illsley, Elliot Morley and Jim Devine were all jailed, as were Tory peers Lord Taylor of Warwick and Lord Hanningfield.

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