Sunday 4 March 2012

Cameron has been "forced" t admit to riding Rebekah's "gift" horse. What ELSE has he ridden but is yet to admit to ?

0535 [0530] Hrs GMT London Sunday 04 March 2012. The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary in the context of the utter unconstitutionality, illegality,. wrongfulness and moral deficit that is brazenly exhibited in the behaviour of Dave Cameron as he fronts the Big Biz agenda attacks on Society[or what is just about still surviving of Society after a little under two years of CONDEM assaults].

WHERE exactly does Bullyingdone “Dave” think he will end up taking the UK to if he is allowed by the still ineffective Opposition in Parliament failing to halt the attacks on “Society”? The Society-free wasteland that Cameron is heading for will be one definitive confirmation of the CORRUPT Capitalism that he has suggested he does not support. He not only supports it, he has gloried in its agenda as has been rampant in his scripted utterance aimed at the hidden but actively in control forces who are ding the choreography of propaganda presentations of the CONDEM Collusion. He has done s in his spiel in London on saturday. CONTRARY to the bogus “shock and acute observation” carried on the Guardian-Observer website in the past 10 hours or so about Cameron’s “policy loss” linked with his Right-wing adviser's “departure” to the USA, there is no shortage of Right wing ideas, strategic and short term, that are flowing in the direction of “Dave” Cameron so long as his “tenure” at No. 10 is considered as sufficiently sustainable and “sustained” for whatever length of time is crucial for the completion of the operations of the unseen but Big Biz looters of Society

[To be continued]

AADHIKAROnline is publishing the following item from the DAILY MAIL/Mail n SUnday Group web site. This is purely for contextual reference:


Horsegate: How No10 misled the Mail on Sunday about Cameron and THAT police horse


Last updated at 11:46 PM on 3rd March 2012

New wife: Rebekah Brooks

New wife: Rebekah Brooks

David Cameron was under further pressure last night over the bizarre ‘Horsegate’ controversy following new claims about his links with disgraced ex-News International boss Rebekah Brooks and her husband Charlie Brooks.

The Prime Minister was last week forced to admit he had ridden Raisa, a horse loaned to Mrs Brooks by the Metropolitan Police after No 10 spent three days trying to cover it up.

And he admitted he had been riding with her husband, a racehorse trainer.

However, The Mail on Sunday can disclose that Downing Street spent more than a year trying to conceal his horse-riding links with the couple. Acting on a tip-off in late 2010, in the early days of the News International phone-hacking scandal which led to Mrs Brooks’s resignation, this newspaper asked No 10 to confirm that Mr Cameron had been riding with Mr Brooks.

A well-placed source said the pair had been out together and that Mr Brooks had been helping Mr Cameron improve his hunting style.

The Mail on Sunday put the story to Andy Coulson, the former News of the World editor employed as Mr Cameron’s head of communications at No 10. He denied the claims, stating that the Prime Minister had not had lessons from Mr Brooks and had not been riding with him. On Friday, Mr Cameron finally confessed: ‘I did go riding with Mr Brooks and one of them was this police horse Raisa.’

Mr Coulson was previously Mrs Brooks’s deputy at the News of the World and took over the paper when she left to edit The Sun. He had to step down as editor in 2007 after the paper’s Royal reporter Clive Goodman was jailed for phone-hacking.



Links: David Cameron with Rebekah Brooks in 2009

Links: David Cameron with Rebekah Brooks in 2009

There was considerable surprise when, seven months after his downfall at the News of the World, he was recruited by Mr Cameron. Mr Coulson was forced to resign from No 10 last year over his alleged involvement in phone-hacking.

Another friend of the Prime Minister recalled yesterday how before the 2010 election, he had talked of his love of hunting and how he had wondered aloud whether his public profile would prevent him ever enjoying the sport again.

The closeness of the relationship of the two men is illustrated by the way Mr Brooks was reportedly teased by Mr Cameron when he started his relationship with Mrs Brooks.

According to one insider, Mr Cameron congratulated Mr Brooks, his Oxfordshire neighbour and fellow member of the so-called Chipping Norton set, but adding jokingly: ‘You’d better not mess this one up, Charlie. It’s the most important ride of your life.’

Mr Brooks was previously in a 12-year relationship with model Miriam Francome, former wife of champion jockey John Francome.

The bungled No 10 cover up started after it was reported on Tuesday that Mrs Brooks had been loaned the former police horse.

Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson was employed by the prime minister

Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson was employed by the prime minister

The story was seen as dramatic evidence of the incestuous relationship between the Metropolitan Police and News International, which is accused of paying backhanders to officers while pressuring them not to investigate phone-hacking. When the Prime Minister’s spokesman was asked on Tuesday afternoon if Mr Cameron had ever ridden Raisa, he scoffed: ‘That is not something that I keep tabs on.’

On Wednesday, an official used a similar mocking tone to shrug off the story, saying: ‘The only horses I am interested in are the type you can put a bet on.’ Asked a third time the next day, when the PM first learned that Mrs Brooks had an ex-police horse, the spokesman responded with a curt: ‘I don’t know.’

An hour later, the first cracks appeared in Mr Cameron’s account of ‘Horsegate’. He gave a hastily arranged TV interview, choosing his words with extreme care. ‘It’s a matter of record that I have ridden horses with Rebekah Brooks’s husband in my constituency. Since becoming PM I may have got on a horse once, but not that one.’

Note the lawyerly way he stated that ‘since becoming PM’ he ‘may’ have got on a horse, but ‘not’ Raisa.

It gives the impression he had never ridden it, without saying so.Likewise his suggestion that his rides with Mr Brooks were a ‘matter of record’. They had been alluded to only in the most obscure way. Later that afternoon, Downing Street stumbled again, admitting Mr Cameron ‘might’ have ridden Raisa, but had ‘no recollection’ of riding with Mrs Brooks.

The stonewalling might have worked but for one dogged newsman who kept interrogating No 10 in the face of derision by colleagues on Left-wing newspapers.

No one was laughing inside No 10, however, where disdain was being replaced by a mood of dismay.

Brooks can be seen cheering on Elizabeth Murdoch in the Ladies Charity Sweepstake at Cheltenham

Brooks can be seen cheering on Elizabeth Murdoch in the Ladies Charity Sweepstake at Cheltenham

Mr Cameron finally told officials he had ridden Raisa – making fools of his trusting staff who had spent three days giving exactly the opposite impression.

Well aware that cover-ups have claimed more political scalps than the initial misdeed, Mr Cameron knew he had to come clean – but it could hardly have been more humiliating. He was in Brussels for a vital EU summit. While other leaders addressed the grave economic situation, he had to interrupt his own press conference to announce: ‘If a confusing picture has emerged over the last few days, I am very sorry about that.’

Later that afternoon, a spokesman confirmed Mr Cameron did know Raisa was an ex-police horse, and he had ridden it ‘more than once’.

Yesterday, Mr Cameron tried to laugh it off, telling Tory activists: ‘I went out with Boris [Johnson] this morning. We went for a ride’ – pause for effect – ‘on the Underground!’

The joke received limp applause.


Charlie Brooks has had a colourful life on and off the horsetrack.

He entered the public eye in 1991, aged 28, by dating model Miriam Francome shortly after the break-up of her 15-year marriage to champion jockey John Francome.

Mr Brooks had been a friend of the couple, and Mr Francome was reported to have regarded their romance as a ‘betrayal’. He was said to have burned most of Miriam’s clothes and dumped them in Mr Brooks’s racing yard.

Ex-factor: Charlie Brooks with Miriam Francome, the former wife of jockey John Francome

Ex-factor: Charlie Brooks with Miriam Francome, the former wife of jockey John Francome

In 1999, Scotland Yard detectives investigating allegations of a national race-fixing scandal arrived at 6am at the home Mr Brooks shared with Miss Francome – only to discover he was in London.

Mr Brooks was later arrested and bailed along with three jump jockeys. No charges were brought against the men.

After quitting racing, Mr Brooks made the news again when he sent sex aid brochures to parents at Prince Charles’s old school, Cheam Hawtreys.

Staff conducted an inquiry after they received the A Little Something For The Weekend brochure, and traced the address back to the house he shared with Miss Francome.

In 2004, Mr Brooks split from Miss Francome. He was later linked with Eimear Montgomerie following the collapse of her marriage to golfer Colin Montgomerie.

Mr Brooks began dating Rebekah Wade in 2008, and the couple married in June 2009. They had a child by a surrogate mother in January.

Here's what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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Cameron and his cronies seem to lie for the sake of lying, just to see what they can get away with and to test the stupidity of the public.

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If she can have a police horse then I want a police car...not a new one just a one that gets me to work on time.

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Champagne Charlie & his colourful Collection of Racing Fillies, where The Sun from Number 10 , aint gonna shine , Any More .

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The REAL question here is which end of the horse was involved. But I doubt anyone will have much trouble with the answer.

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Did Mrs Dave scoop up the horse's do-dos with a dustpan and brush to put on her roses? Manuregate! Shocking! Resign now!

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