Friday 3 February 2012

Will CON CAMERON let Justine Greening reach the logical conclusion?

Will CON CAMERON let Justine Greening reach the logical conclusion?

[To be continued]
The following item has been taken from the website of METRO, a London “news” outlet

Network Rail bosses attacked by transport secretary over bonuses Bonus packages of up to £340,000 to Network Rail bosses were have been branded 'unacceptable' by transport secretary Justine Greening. Related Tags:David Higgins Transport secretary Justine Greening called on Network Rail to 'exercise restraint' (Picture: Alex Lentati) Chief executive Sir David Higgins is in line for the biggest payout of £340,000 – 60 per cent of his £560,000 salary. But a host of other directors face bumper packages despite Network Rail this week admitting health and safety breaches over the deaths of two teenagers killed at a level crossing. Those who could get a 60 per cent bonus include group finance director Patrick Butcher, whose salary is £350,000, operations director Robin Gisby (£330,000), director of asset management Peter Henderson (£440,000), investment projects director Simon Kirby (£330,000), and planning and development director Paul Plummer (£310,000). 'This proposed package is unacceptable,' said Ms Greening yesterday. 'Network Rail needs to be responsible and exercise restraint.' She blamed a 'flawed' system which meant ministers could not block bonuses. A spokesman for Network Rail said the firm's members would meet later this month to decide on the structure of a bonus scheme but no decisions had been made. Network Rail also faces prosecution over the 2007 Grayrigg train crash in Cumbria in which one passenger died.

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