Sunday 12 February 2012

On "Dave" Cameron the man whose intolerance of Society is closely inked with his craving for power!

1120 [1110] [1050] Hrs GMT
12 February 2012
Editor © Muhammad Haque

On "Dave" Cameron the man whose intolerance of Society is closely inked with his craving for power!

ANOTHER WORLD EXCLUSIVE DIAGNOSIS of Society in Britain and how CONDEM Collusion is wrecking Society under “Dave” Cameron’s disguise of a “chummy, cosy” “doer”.
As John Sergeant has just confirmed in his comments on SKY NEWS in the past 20 minutes, the real reason why there is at all an “NHS Reform Bill” “in Parliament” now is because the UK Parliament,ent is a bankrupt parliament. John Sergeant did not say that word.
We are saying that word. Bankrupt.
We shall be elaborating in that later today.
Back to examining the conduct of “Dave” Cameron as an attacker of Society.
AADHIKAROnline will EDIT the London Daily Telegraph Group's claims for Ray Honeyford, whose obituary the Telegraph Group has been running today [Sunday 12 February 2012, when we first accessed it] .
Honeyford was the head teacher of school, Drummond Middle School, in Bradford, Yorkshire, England where he contributed to the heightening of pro-racist tensions in the mid 1980s by publicly attacking people in Society as based on culture, language, religion and nationality origins.
What Honeyford had said then, in the 1980s, haas since been ADOPTED with brazen racist approval by the likes of David "Dave" Cameron.
So brazen has Cameron been in his endorsement of racist prejudice the he made a forma, public point, twice, of attacking the very idea of Society as based on people of different cultures living side by side. It is called "multiculturalism". ray Honeyford had attacked ":multiculturalism".
David Cameron has escaped any rigourous examination of his pro-racist utterances.
Has he thereby "helped' "Society"?
Or has he HINDERED Society? We shall continue to examine the record and show how Cameron has been doing serious damage to the cause of a decent, tolerant and a pro-civilised Society in Britain.
[To be continued]

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