Sunday 12 February 2012

Muhammad Haque Daily Political Commentary recognising John Sergeant, David Melor comments on NHS Deform Bill and other CONDEM violations of Society

// © Muhammad Haque Daily Political Commentary

1155 Hrs GMT London Sunday 12 February 2012.

John Sergeant has once again disproved the BBC Establishment and exposed it as being ed by a bunch of ignorant morons. . Contrary t the BBC’s tag [see the link to the BBC web page we have reproduced below] on him that he is an “ex-Political Journalist”, John Sergeant more than devastated that stupid tag today. He is the one who has made the only comment about the CONDEM Collusion’s NHS DEFORM [our rearrangement of that word!] Bill that sums up the real situation. Because the UK park,ent is useless otherwise. That there is nothing else going on in that Parliament And so on ... [To be continued]


Test below the BBC’s silly clip from one of the editions of their STRICTLY DANCING... What the BBC’s offensively over-pampered “judges” did in that period was to flick insulting remarks in Sergeant’s direction. The more they did so, the more the ordinary public out across the country backed John Sergeant. So overwhelming was the public’s outrage at the offensive, overpaid BBC cabal in studio and in the "Management" that it was John Sergeant who had to take the initiative and “fade himself out” of the spotlight that he reluctantly got presented to him by massive popular applause... There is a lesson in that. It is this: those who occupy positions of power anywhere can be challenged. Often they forget this simple but powerful truth... Until it is too late for them... “Fortunately” for the BBC, John Sergeant is not vengeful. Otherwise, he could get a number of BBC pampered post-holders’ “heads to roll”... The question for CONDEM Cameron today is: has HE the sense to understand what John Sergeant has said today on SKY NEWS “Murnaghan” programme? And does “Dave” Cameron recognise the words of wisdom that EVEN David Mellor uttered on the same programme today about the disastrous NHS Deform Bill and abut another former Tory Minister who had earlier spoken wise words about the NHS???[To be continued]

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