Tuesday 31 January 2012

Why is the reportedly "wealthy" Zac Goldsmith worried about his own CON Party-led CONDEM destroying local democracy in Britain?

0355 Hrs GMT
31 January 2012
By © Muhammad Haque

Why is the reportedly "wealthy" Zac Goldsmith worried about his own CON Party-led CONDEM destroying local democracy in Britain?

Yesterday [Monday 30 January 2012] Zac Goldsmith put a very brief question during Eric Pickles’ slot license called Question Time for Pickles and cabal to abuse the House of Commons. Goldsmith wasn’t too demanding in his question. But in the ordinary words, he captured perhaps one of the most powerful aspects of the CONDEM destruction of Society that is on in Britain.

The Zac Goldsmith observation could be made equally aptly if Eric Pickles were not the occupant in that bureaucratic office but it was held by John Denham instead.

Denham is the denier of the truth of social destruction in Britain by successive “regimes” who fakes it still as a “touchy, feely” sort of a “guy”. Denham occupied Pickles’ present box until the Brown regime was ushered out of the various Whitehall London SW1 addresses.

Until that ouster which took place in a display of spectacular slow motion manoeuvres brought to the ordinary households across Britain via BBC and SKY live broadcasts in May 2010, Denham behaved as a brazen denier of the truth about the damage that his regime was doing to Society. Denham came across as if he was acting almost in imitation of the monumentally corrupt disguises and masks that Tony Blair had put on and was aided and abetted in that outrageous violation of the universal values of "democracy and decency" by queues of self-seeking, time-serving opportunists bent on feathering their own pathetic little bases.

So when someone as unimpressed by CON Cameron as Zac Goldsmith stands up and registers his scepticism to one or more than one of the Deform Bills [that phrase DEFORM is the original AADHIKAR Media Foundation digastrics device], an important narrative substance is added to the equation. The battle between honesty and corruption in CONDEM society has just witnessed one MP who is not likely to buy into any of the CONMEN scams that CONDEM are still cooking.

Society at large and outside of the "Palace" [!!!] of Westminster, however is not likely to be protected by that one brief Zac Goldsmith question. And lament.

Society is ain a dire state. Not only because of the CONDEM has assault on all that constituted Society. But it is also the fact that the Bliar-G Brown remnants are not helping Society at all.

Take another look at the sub-authoritarian line-up that Ed Miliband flaunts in his “Shadow” “cabinet”.

[To be continued]

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