Monday 30 January 2012

KHOODEELAAR! UPDATER REPORT on the Crossrail Big Biz agenda assault on the community in the East End of London

0955 Hrs GMT London Monday 30 January 2012.

KHOODEELAAR! UPDATER REPORT on the Crossrail Big Biz agenda assault on the community in the East End of London

The © Muhammad Haque picture published near the top of this blog [today] of the Crassrail “activities” taken this morning [0839 GMT Monday 30 January 2012] in the Durward Street [off Vallance Road London E1] [and behind the Whitechapel Underground station, Whitechapel Road London E1 shows real live personnel. Yet the Lib Dems in Tower Hamlets had taken no notice of the Crassrail plans when KHOODEELAAR! Intensified the mobilisation against another hole dinging, dirt-spreading, noise-creating assault on the community. That was in the summer of 2007.
KHOODEELAAR! Campaign organiser Muhammad Haque contacted the Lib Dems group and had to spend considerable time literally guiding them to the location where the planned assault by Crassrail was going to take place, all the communication contacts had been done by Khoodeelaar, the signatures collected and the doors knocked and the details of the impact explained over a period of months.
after all that work, done by Khoodeelaar! And coordinated by Muhammad Haque, the Lib Dems were openly given a democratic opportunity to use their “elected position” on the local Tower Hamlets Council to raise questions about the Crassrail attack on that part of the Borough’s population.
By the time they managed to “say” something about Crossrail in the Council Chamber, they were astonishingly but brazenly reluctant to tell the truth of how they had got to be a\ware at all about the Crassrail assaults on the community in the area concerned.
Because the Tower Hamlets Lib Dems, in common with the Cons and the former Labour Party “bureaucracies” in the Borough, were couriers of the agenda that was the “position” of the “central” Party HQs.
But the Lib Dems, just like their bureaucratic counterparts in the other two Parties, were also anxious to be seen that they were “with the local community”! Which they never were.
But they had to make a pretend appearance of being with the community while remaining clueless as to the depth or the implications of the assaults by the Big Biz\ agenda scam Crossrail and about the range of the Khoodeelaar! campaign against it.
Five years on, the Lib Dems as part of the CONDEM collusion are exposed to the wider UK population as hypocritical and many-faced just as we found their bureaucratic “locally based, Tower Hamlets Council-linked leadership” to be.
Not a surprise then that there is not a single word about Crossrail “activities” anywhere in the published output of “Lib Dems” “politics” “about” or “in” or “in the name of” Tower Hamlets. [To be continued]

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