Tuesday 17 January 2012

The London Guardian serves yet another ill-cooked dish on Brick Lane, curry houses...

0530 Hrs
17 January 2012

Editor © Muhammad Haque

AADHIKARonline will update on the Guardian’s flawed colonialist piece about "Curry crisis".
The Guardian piece is fronted by a typically Guardian-agenda-ed ethnicity-linked image but it is as misleading as most of the Guardian’s pieces over the decades about the East End of London, about Brick Lane and about the UK Bangladeshis have been.
The paper cannot get the facts about Brick Lane right. Ever.
And the reason is not far to seek.
The Guardian operates on the same colonialist, pro-racist lines that the Daily mail and the Daily Telegraph and the Daily express and the BBC's Jonathan Dimbleby do..
Why is Jonathan Dimbleby being included in this dissection of the “liberal” end in the [!!!!!!!!!!!] “mainstream British Media”?
? Because it was Jonathan Dimbore's much-touted and much-flaunted "radical liberal" "CV" that was used by the BBC in the campaign against the collective Muslim population not long after September 2001.
Soon afterwards, the BBC Radio 4 repeatedly broadcast a sentence in which Jonathan Dimbleby repeatedly called for people to INCITE others and make anti-Muslims comments. The piece by the Guardian, more than a decade later, may be about "curry houses" but it is just as prejudiced, just as ignorant and just as offensive.
and unproductive.
The juxtaposition of the crisis-ridden the Brick Lane curry Houses with a named and commercially thriving "curry house” in the Fieldgate Street is false on so many grounds. Our updater diagnostics will expose the details of the Guardian’s flaws.
The answer to the latest package of untruths, ignorance and fabrication by the Guardian is NOT to be sought in plausibly positioned legitimisation of the anti-Bangladeshi, anti-social ideas on the Guardian or in the perpetration of some Guar8van-aided self-servers peddling their own selfishness at the expense of the community.
The answer must be sought, found and sustained in the original, historic and unadulterated, uncolonialised of the resources of the community itself.

[To be c continued]

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