Saturday 2 July 2011

The idiocies of Iain Duncan Smith will be detailed and exposed by referring to the behaviour of the local Tower Hamlets Council in context

1330 [1315] [1210] Hrs GMT



02 July 2011

By © Muhammad Haque

This commentary will be continued over the weekend. The idiocies of Iain Duncan Smith will be detailed and exposed by referring to the behaviour of the local Tower Hamlets Council in context. This commentary addresses the core of the ignorance that dominates the idiotic package called the CONDEM Economic Policy. This is the continuation of the exclusive diagnostic daily reporting that AADHIKAR Media has been publishing for the past 31 years. The analysis we have put together and published has been vindicated in that time on every single issue that we have commented on. We assert on the facts that the latest idiocies of IDS will boomerang in his face. The Quiet Man, we exclusively predict here and hereby, will be exposed and he will exit the ridiculously fraudulent stage he has now been flaunted on, in the noise of a Big Bang brought on by his utterly offensive disrespect for the truth.

Exposing the latest idiocy of Iain Duncan Smith: he evidently has never been to an inner city borough in his entire life. Had he been there, and had IDS been an honest and an honourable man then he would not have uttered the idiocies that he has uttered, coming across as he has purported to do and as he has been allowed by the still-Murdoched SKY News to come across. IDS is ignorant on the facts. IDS is ignorant of THE facts. So how can this ignorant man be allowed to pontificate on the hyped up media stage while the millions whose lives and livelihoods he thus violates are not allowed a say to counter him?

"Liam Byrne" is the dreadful, two-word phrase that in context is a start of the answer to that question.

And then it is Ed.

Contrary to the hysterical display from Inverclyde after the poll results were formally declared, there is no "fight back" against the CONDEM assaults, not by Ed Miliband, not by Liam Byrne, not by the alleged Opposition's alleged front bench in the House of Commons. And it is a measure of that emptiness that an utter and demonstrated idiot of Iain Duncan Smith's description can be shown as warranting the entire day's "mainstream Political news focus"!

[To be continued]

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