Wednesday 29 June 2011

AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque Daily Democracy Deficit and Opposition to CONDEM agenda and assaults on society missing…” Commentary [28]

AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque Daily Democracy Deficit and Opposition to CONDEM agenda and assaults on society missing…” Commentary [28]

Here are the words constituting the first of my latest series of updates on the embarrassing state of limbo into which the Official opposition to Brenda's Government has lurched once again: Ed Miliband minimised his minor part even more astonishingly when he uttered those waffling words opining nonchalantly on there being a space for 'talks'!

Where had Anthony Wedgwood Benn [also once furiously known as Viscount Stansgate, no less!] and Kenneth Livingstone, to name only two of the over-cited 'referees' encountered the minor Ed during] presumably] the active time of the late Ralf Miliband?

Whatever might the actual environmental settings have been where the likes of Anthony W Benn and Kenneth Livingstone might have been afforded the luxurious space to observe the signs of evidence that there would be such a leader [or more than one] in that person [or in the pair so persistently promoted as being oh so personable by their preachy introducers to the “Labour” “movement” intra-party vote fodder at that crucial time in “our glorious history” namely Ed being fixed into the slot]?

What does this say about the certifiers concerned including those in addition to and also other than A W Benn and K Livingstone who had lost no time before they uttered those words of unbeatable banality, pre-the-post-G Brown leadership charade that was staged in the name of the "Labour Party"?

And No, I am NOT even remotely suggesting another Minibrand!

What I AM suggesting and advocating is the overdue need for the thinking members of the Labour Party to start among democratic accountable demands on the “leaders” in place now. Let’s start by demanding that Ed Miliband delivers. Can’t be fairer than that!

Let Ed Miliband deliver on the basis principle of setting out his action in accordance with the democratic needs of the country as seen from the perspectives of the democratic, constitutional and the ethical needs of the people.

Let him articulate this and let us see him do it today, Wednesday 29 June 2011.

From the local housing estate and neighbourhood across his “beloved middle class” through to the greediest of the population, let us see Ed Miliband create a picture of society that contrasts that of Iain Duncan Smith [Broken Society, tagged as part of the highly sophisticated psycho-profiling propaganda plot to make the Military agenda man Duncan Smith "come across oh so timid and vulnerable..." so that he could be prepared to smash the poor and destitute the unincomed!] And of Dave Cameron who IS breaking society…

[To be continued]

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