Monday 16 May 2011

The Paralysis of Tower Hamlets Labour Party and the morass that is Tower Hamlets “elected local Council” [Part 62]

Jon Cruddus [MP, a contender to Labour Party leadership, pulled out before the finish] tells Muhammad Haque about the values of George Lansbury- resist peoples dispossession.... 

AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London “democracy deficit and poverty-creation, deprivation by elected antidemocratic agencies” Commentary: 

The Paralysis of Tower Hamlets Labour Party and the morass that is Tower Hamlets “elected local Council” [Part 62] 

0410 Hrs GMT London Monday 16 May 2011.

I only had a few seconds to get Jon Cruddus to comment on the situation in Tower Hamlets in the context of the traditions of George Lansbury. Cruddus was able to sum up as follows, continuing his phraseology as based on my question to him:

[Jon Cruddus] [it is all about] resistance to people’s dispossession, from their land, from their own labour, from their franchise

That was a very brief statement. But it captures the essence. The battle in Tower Hamlets is against the dispossession that has been going on via the VERY elected local Council which is supposed to be helping people mount that resistance. And Jon Cruddus, the ‘left’ MP who nearly got in where Ed Miliband now is, had spoken in more detail about George Lansbury earlier at the event [Bow Church Sunday 08 May 2011].

What he had said there and what he later told me [quoted above] confirm one thing: that had George Lansbury been around now in Tower Hamlets along with his fellow Poplar Councillors, the borough would be witnessing a very different scene of acton every day than what is being foisted on the community now.

And George Lansbury would have been outraged by the antics of the “chief executive” “Dr” Kevan Collins who posed with a man known on the facts and undeniable evidence to have been guilty of causing significant dispossessions to people in the East End borough of Tower Hamlets over the years. [To be continued]

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