Monday 16 May 2011

The paralysis in the Tower Hamlets “Labour Party” and the democracy deficit and morass afflicting the “elected” Tower Hamlets Council [Part 61b]

AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London “democracy deficit and poverty-creation, deprivation by elected non-democratic agencies” Commentary:

0340 Hrs GMT London Monday 16 May 2011
The paralysis in the Tower Hamlets “Labour Party” and the democracy deficit and morass afflicting the “elected” Tower Hamlets Council [Part 61] .

One of the world-scale scandals that has been documented over the past 40 years but is yet to be featured in any “mainstream” media outlets warranting the “mainstream” attention is the case of the neighbourhood which has been uprooted by the collusion of Tower Hamlets Council... And the only beneficiary is a property speculator who has made a multi million £ fortune in an overseas country where he has been able to “invest” part of the proceeds that he was allowed to loot from the neighbourhood in Tower Hamlets.
So how does THAT “achievement ” takes the commentary back to “Dr” Kevan Collins? Why the “postholder” in the post of “chief executive” of the Tower Hamlets Council has been more than adequately aware of all the facts and despite that awareness has failed [as in 'negligently refused'] stop the robbery of an entire neighbourhood by the property speculator. Did “Dr” Kevan Collins even suggest that such possibilities might exist in the Tower Hamlets Borough Council's’ “delivery of service” to the community? Most certainly not.
Why wouldn't’ “Dr” Kevan Collins admit such robbery that Tower Hamlets Council has been complicit in being committed against the people in the neighbourhood?
Was it because “Dr” Collins might not have been personally in post at the time that the robbery was being committed? That questions is irrelevant. Why? Because in the COURSE of the preparation for his appearance as “the star” [the word used by “EAST END LIES”, the TH Council’s very own propaganda sheet or ‘pravda’!] in Channel 4 TV ’s “The UNDERCOVER BOSS” “Dr” Kevan Collins did acquire sufficient knowledge about one particular individual carrying serious liabilities for that very same robbery committed by the property speculator speculator against a neighbourhood in Tower Hamlets. So what did “Dr” Kevan Collins do about the individual's liabilities and those of the Council on whose behalf the individual had acted in collusion with the particular property speculator in the completion of the perpetration? Did “Dr” Kevan Collins take steps to make amends for the robbery, even though no amount of material compensation could go anywhere near compensating the victims of that robbery? “Dr” Kevan Collins most certainly did not. In fact “Dr” Kevan Collins did not show any hint that anything could be anywhere near as criminally negligent inside Tower Hamlets Council as the particular facts show. Far from admitting any faults, “Dr” Collins was on that “UNDERCOVER BOSS” as the “star” of the propaganda show! And how satisfied his grins looked as the viewers who were “fortunate” to catch even a momentary glimpse of “Dr” Collins during his “I am THE BOSS! And I conned you posing as Colin! Ha Ha Ha!” Roundtable DOUBLE SMUG SESSION, also staged on film at a location inside the “Mulberry Place” must have only too acutely been forced to realise!!!!!

“Dr” Kevan Collins uttered a series of untruths on “UNDERCOVER BOSS” as broadcast on Channel 4 [22 July 2010] as he promoted that man who is responsible for a serious part of the damage done to the neighbourhood. That man is an employee in Tower Hamlets Council where he has been in a paid post for almost [if not more than] [number withheld for very good legal editorial reasons] years.

The magnitude of the damage that that employee has been responsible for causing to the victims of his collusion with the particular part of the property speculator’s scam can only be guessed at. Why? Because the facts are that CONTRARY TO being a democratic local authority “with its services being lawfully ethically democratically dedicated to serve the people in the borough”, Tower Hamlets Council is a private business IN FACT and it is controlled by a clique of uncaring self servers bent on making a fast gain for themeless regardless of the cost of their callouts conduct that the community has to bear. Why is that so? Because the “elected” councillors, the majority of them, are democratically inactive and in several cases incapable of even being democratically active.
For this paralysis, a great deal of fault lies with the main [numerical] Political Party that claims the largest number of elected councillors on the Council. The Labour Party in Tower Hamlets has been effectively paralysed itself for ten long years.
Although the records show that the Labour Party had been democratically malfunctioning in Tower Hamlets even before that, the paralysis in the past decade has reached a new low even for the Tower Hamlets Labour Party.
[To be continued]

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