Saturday 7 May 2011

Contextually re-citing the London EVENING STANDARD 'diary' blog and its promotion for “Dr” Kevan Collins, The Tower Hamlets Council’s 'UNDERCOVER BOS

1235 Hrs GMT London Saturday 07 May 2011 Contextually re-citing the London EVENING STANDARD 'diary' blog and its promotion for “Dr” Kevan Collins, The Tower Hamlets Council’s 'UNDERCOVER BOSS’ as almost without a single word of objectively propagated and depicted in the C4 programme shown on 22 July 2010

:22 AM
Council boss goes undercover to find staff are East End heroes

A different image of Tower Hamlets council is seen in a Channel 4 documentary tonight.
Its chief executive, Kevan Collins, agreed to spend a week undercover in preparation for forcing through cuts in excess of £50 million over the next three years (thanks to Whitehall's age of austerity).
The idea was for Mr Collins to go back to the "shopfront" and see how well - or poorly - the council's £1.2 billion annual budget was spent each year. But don't expect a horror story - what transpired was a soft-focus piece showing council staff as salt-of-the-earth EastEnders not even portrayed in the BBC1 soap.
screens at 9pm - but hardly what I'd call investigative journalism. Mr Collins, who partly disguised himself by changing his name to Colin, having his hair cropped, growing a beard and wearing a beany hat, also comes across well, too. It's a nice watch -
After spending a week incognito, Mr Collins revealed his true identity to shocked staff - and said he had nothing but praise for their dedication to their jobs.
His council, which covers some of the most deprived parts of the East End, could lose up to a quarter of its government grant.
Mr Collins, 49, who began his career as a primary school teacher in Mile End, told me: "I liked the fact that what we were doing was high quality. Not in any way was it the case that because people were poor the services they got were poor."* You can follow me on Twitter at

22 July 2010 9:22 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)

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