Saturday 23 April 2011

WHAT exactly is the legal basis for Tower Hamlets Council’s IMPOSING NEW POVERTY and hardship on the already impoverished in the Borough?

We ask today: WHAT exactly is the legal basis for Tower Hamlets Council’s IMPOSING NEW POVERTY and hardship on the already impoverished in the Borough?

This question about the “legal basis” is deliberately being published for the attention of the UNDERCOVER BOSS, the Tower Hamlets Council’s top bureaucrat “Dr” Kevan Collins for a number of reasons. The first reason being the boasts that he himself made when he appeared in a Channel 4 TV promotional item called “UNDERCOVER BOSS” shown in 2010. Of the many boasts that “Dr” Collins uttered in that pogramme as shown was one that suggested that he personally and the Tower Hamlets Council.. - as the “local authority” involved in the servicing of the needs of a population of the complexity of Tower Hamlets - were caring to, conscientious about and respectful of the population in the Borough of Tower Hamlets.
The evidence that our investigation has produced is founded on previous findings that we had collected over decades.So showing that Tower Hamlets Council was NOT justified to make the claims that we have now linked “Dr” Kevan Collins with.
The current evidence shows that the BUREAUCRACY in control of the Tower Hamlets Council is behaving very differently from what “Dr” Collins claimed on that Channel 4 TV.
In that TV programme he paraded a number of individual employees and the parade was such that it left no room even for raising the question, let alone for asserting any basis for any such question, that Tower Hamlets Council was in any way failing the community.
We have raised in the months that have followed “Dr” Collins’ promotional appearance on that Channel 4 TV SLOT [“Undercover Boss”] many questions as part of our MOVEMENT in defending the community .

[To be continued]

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