Saturday 23 April 2011

AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary: Does Ed Miliband have any answers to the CONDEM crisis?

AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary.
2150 Hrs GMT
Saturday 23 April 2011
Does Ed Miliband have any answers to the CONDEM crisis? He nose the answer! Yes! he is having his nose done to solve a serious domestic problem. He is said to be set to be free to sleep without snoring! That is not how most of the sanctioned ones feel. They feel they are being teated as criminals. It is now an offences in Britain to be poor! And it is an achievement to be a big time bank looting the poor.
It is all getting upside down, falling apart, going to pieces! Society si fragmenting at a faster speed than could be imagined.
Making Britain poorer is what Big Business is doing.
A tiny fraction of the population is getting richer as a result. Ed Miliband is making the news with his nose! He wants to get more sleep. The poor he neglects can’t afford to sleep!

[To be continued]

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