Monday 25 April 2011

UPDATER diagnostics on the UK ‘broadcasting regulator’ ‘OFCOM’.

AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary.

0900 [0855] [0820] Hrs GMT
‘Bank Holiday’ Monday
25 April 2011.

UPDATER diagnostics on the UK ‘broadcasting regulator’ ‘OFCOM’.

I am citing as evidence a clip shown in the last 20 minutes on SKY.COM satellite channel 814.

This is supposed to be a slot operated by an outfit claiming to be providing service to the UK Bangladeshi community. But as the clip shows, the needs of the UK Bangladeshi community or population are not given priority in the ‘news’ ‘bulletin’. In fact in the past five years of OFCOM-licensed operation, the channel has NOT shown any consistent, productive, relevant theme that is in demonstrable accordance with the objectively verifiably contextual UK Bangladeshi community’;s needs for news and information service via this channel. OFCOM has never published any report of any audit of the contents or of the irrelevance of the contents to the claim that the licence-owner is keeping to the stated undertaking given when seeking and being granted the broadcasting licence. I shall be examining the key failures of OFCOM starting later today. My examination has been going on for the past five years, the real period from the start of the ‘broadcasting’ via satellite of a ‘dedicated’ satellite TV service IN THE NAME OF THE UK Bangladeshis. In this context, there is no evidence that any other commentator or writer has published a similar review. Let alone maintaining a regular commentary on or reporting of the ‘operations’. So why do I bother? Because the overwhelming numbers of those who are subjected to the “service” by what I have have been diagnostically describing as the “ethnicty-linked” are causing serious damage to the community by delivering garbage in the “news” which is replacing the facts that people should know of what is going on in the wider society with day o day and real life implications for the members of the Bangladeshi community. The absence of OFCOM’s regulatory activity and the absence of any institutional or democratic auditing of these outfits is making the operators increasingly defiant of the legal, contractual, democratic, , ethical, evidential requirements that they must fulfil. If there is any layer or channel through which pollution is being pumped into the minds of the target community then these channels brought to the ‘living rooms’ and to the various IT devices in use must rank at the top of the list. Society is being seriously harmed by the agenda of the falsehood being followed by these channels. It is not clear how many years it will take OFCOM tow wake up to this but I can see no indication that the even know that there are contents on these channels. Why do I say this? Because based on their inaction., OFCOM must be treating these channels as sources of revenue. This is capitalist at its most naked. In every sense of the term. In this system, Society has no pl;ace at all. Is Cameron enjoying this assault on Society via a deactivated OFCOM?!!! After all, Cameron cannot be a believer of a thing called Society if the agenda he is following and if the words and the imagers and the fabrications being carried against Society via Dirty Desmond and the Dirty Desmond Express is anything go by. This week.,And even today, “Bank Holiday” Monday [25 April 2011] when the DAILY EXPRESS is relaunching one of the most persistently poisonous hateful front pages aimed against the brainwashed ‘Enders’ subliminally identified targets of venom, intolerance and contempt: the African and the Asian “immigrant”. OFCOM will fail to notice that on this display of the lowest common denominator racism by the Dirty DAILY EXPRESS , the OFCOM-licensed satellite Channel 814 has no real content in its bulletins. I shall in the course of this series also examine each of the other ‘factual’ slots as charred on the same channel and show that those are as faked, as fabricated and as false as the so-called ‘news’ bulletin which is where I am focussing for this p[art and for the next four parts of this diagnostic updater commentary being published at 0900 Hrs GMT today Monday 25 April 2011. [To be continued]

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