Tuesday 26 April 2011

Sustainable Community: Muhammad Haque diagnosing the evidence of the BBC failing the test and lets down Society [1]

AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque London Report.

0200 [0140] Hrs GMT


26 April 2011.

The BBC London TV news bulletin carried a report about an attack at the 'Easter Weekend' in Brick Lane.

The BBC report was run on the London news slot on the BBC news bulletins but it did not say anything about the alleged attacker or the alleged victim of the attack in Brick Lane three days ago. So what is the point of the BBC reporting a line that only identifies the Police? Even that reference to ‘the police’ is only as the assumed source of the information that the BBC report is based on!

Surely the alleged crime should be fully reported so that Society can get the protection from crime that Society deserves? This incident, the BBC’s minimalist [or minimising] coverage of the attack in Brick Lane, illustrates something about the ‘wider’ British society that is very disturbing indeed. That disturbing thing is the growing acceptance of crime.

Evidence of that acceptance of crime is not just confined to the items that I am diagnosing here. The evidence is found in all the rest of the factual and the editorial contents of the BBC. This may not be immediately apparent to ‘the viewer’. Not so if people make up their mind about the BBC by looking at the packages of ‘violent images’ the BBC delivers to the screen. Those violent images are about ‘other’ people in ‘other countries or territories or even spheres’. That is the sanitisation. And the agenda or the bias operates in relation to the various contemporary segments of the British Society domestically. The corporate agenda or bias in the BBC is now dominated by and is servile to the world view that the Neo Cons have been practising for the past 10 years. So contrary to suggestions that the BBC would like to make, it is in fact operating an imperialistic agenda even about what may at first look like local, ‘very British’ ‘domestic’ events The Brick Lane assault ’news item’ is a very serious example of the lethally prejudiced BBC agenda in operation.

[To be continued]

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