Friday 1 April 2011

Too many professionals in positions of ‘official authority’ are lying about people and are destroying lives.
UPDATE on Ian Tomlinson

2340 [2335] [2330] Hrs GMT
31 March 2011.
Editor © Muahmmad Haque.

Disgraced 'Dr' Patel [pictured in glasses] acting as a pathologist, gave false cause of death on Ian Tomlinson, the Tower Hamlets [Isle of Dogs] resident who was killed in April 2009 during the G20 demonstration in the City. Mr Tomlinson’s family still wait to know what really happened. Just how hard it is to get justice in England has been seen at every stage so far since the newspaper vendor from the ordinary parts of the East End’s Dockhands was killed in the City of London on that fateful occasion of the demonstration against the G20 leaders’; ‘summit’ being hosted by then UK Premier Gordon Brown. As AADHIKARonline has exclusively revealed within minutes of the report, the Ian Tomlinson death was DISMISSED on the BBC News Channel by the presenter of the evening’s news bulletins, Chris Eakin. Eakin repeatedly said that Ian Tomlinson's [he did not name Mr Tomlinson the victim at first] had ATTACKED Police and as a result of a clash THAT followed, Mr Tomlinson. Of course that was a blatant untruth and a lie. So who was responsible for that outrageous attack on the victim within literally minutes of the innocent man’s death? [To be continued]

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