Thursday 31 March 2011

Updating on Boris Johnson's fumbling all over the place in October 2007 in view of his CRASS role

Updating on Boris Johnson's fumbling all over the place in October 2007 in view of his CRASS role

AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary.
2218 [2208] [2200] [2145] Hrs GMT
31 March 2011.

Boris Johnson is fumbling all over the place even now, four years on. In October 2007 when his fumbling was spotted....Boris came unstuck even though he grabbed a Barclays business Bike paid for by the people of London and faked on as he embarked on a photo opps pedalling procedure along side the man who had so aptly diagnosed his act back in 2007. It was not Boris who was on hand to take the flack for the latest evidence of allegations that the “law and order” agencies in London were failing to perform to the required standard. Fronting those forces, of course, were the London Metropolitan Police who were castigated for the latest batch of failures. Protesters mounted the imaginary wall from where they issued a few seconds of chanting calls apparently for the consumption of the attending servile media of the “mainstream”. That the media in the British mainstream - and come to that on the majority of the side streams - is servile became clear in the hours that followed when the first of the two ‘mainstream London TV news bulletins’ failed to report the events at all. ITV London Tonight did not report the events and the BBC London News gave the occurrences as little contextual coverage as they could carry off. The people in and of London deserve much better than either ITV or the BBC are willing to provide. The people deserve the truth. And nothing but the truth. Nothing less than the truth. I shall be examining the key issues in the later parts of this London Commentary. [To be continued]

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