Monday 28 March 2011

What a date to read about a beach disappearance by a a man doing fatal fakery!

What a date to read about a beach disappearance by a a man doing fatal fakery!
0320 [0300] Hrs GMT



28 March 2011

By © Muhammad Haque

One of the “Mainstream” “British” “politicians” who was caught in theft and fraud and who in that state was forced under pressure of the scandal that engulfed him to reveal his greedy motives was a Harold Wilson Government minister John Stonehouse! He went on to be prosecuted for theft and was jailed. In his “defence” Stonehouse made lengthy references to his claimed support for the liberation of Bangladesh. This was not believed as he was exposed as having stolen money from people by setting up[ a Bank with the name Bangladesh in it. None of his alleged colluders ion that scam was prosecuted. Stonehouse to this day remains on the list of “honourable foreigners” according to sources inside the various regimes in Bangladesh over the decades. In his “books”, Stonehouse has accused “Bengalis” [he appears not to know Bangladesh in an international context] of being dishonest and unreliable. Although Stonehouse made these allegations THIRTY YEARS ago, no Bangladeshi Political party or Party Political or related Organisation or interest group has been publicly known to have even acknowledged these. How is that so important? Because many of the people whose money Stonehouse stole were Bangladeshis! Just as the vats majority of Bangladeshis robbed by First Solutions in 2007 have been Bangladeshis in the UK. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. [To be continued]

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