Sunday 27 March 2011

TUC celebrates pro-CUTS agenda under the disguised banner of NO CUTS DEMO Day! Ed Miliband is a CUTS-supporter. As is Ed Balls! [2]

AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary.
0215 GMT
27 March 2011.
This footage is being cited as evidence of the BBC’s central violation of its duty to tell the truth.
This particular footage was broadcast at the beginning of March 2011 on the BBC TV London news programme. Although presented by the BBC London ‘Political Editor’ Tim Donovan, the segment was devoid of the real political ingredients that mist have been included if it was intended to convey the true facts to viewers. Instead the segment was entirely artificial in that it did not show the truth of the role of the pro-CONDEM ‘Labour’ time-servers like Steve Bullock the ‘directly elected executive mayor’ in the south London Borough of Lewisham. Instead the BBC’s reference to Lewisham's setting the cuts budget was totally irrelevant to the real struggle.
If anything, that reference itself condemned anti-cuts protesters as a nuisance in effect and thereby gave legitimacy to Bullock’s stealth of the right to say NO.
Bullock did that by hiding the CUTS budget in the morning, an unprecedented act for an allegedly democratically elected local Council! And that struggle continues today, Sunday 27 March 2011 within the 24 hour frame of the formal staging of a hugely orchestrated show demo against CONDEM CUTS by the State-controlled Trade union Congress [=TUC] in London.
The illogicality and the artificiality of the State-controlled agenda of the BBC and that of the TUC was given full confirmation and endorsement by Ed Miliband who duly delivered the bogus speech that he has made his speciality! The day’s real politics was observed in the BBC’s overzealous over-faked dedication to following what its succession of scripted ‘news’ bulletin presenters and reporters kept denouncing as diverters, the ‘anarchists’ ‘bent’ on clashing with the police and attacking some buildings in Oxford Street and then massing in the Trafalgar Square.
The truth is that the NO CUTS DAY OF ACTION was nothing of the sort.
BOTH Eds BACK CUTS! [To be continued]

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