Saturday 26 March 2011

SCRAP the ritualised 'Opposition spiels' as typically delivered by Ed Miliband. Bring on the real alternative to the CON CLASS WAR CUTS! [2]

1435 GMT
26 March 2011
AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque London Report:

Ed Miliband in his spiel delivered at Hyde Park in the past few minutes has failed to convince.
He has exposed the bankruptcy of HIS alleged alternative to the Tory CUTS.
His ’glorious’ references to the NHS and the Welfare state were typically banal , obsolete, out of date and he failed to articulate the truth of the morass that grips all vital support agencies in place in the name of Society in Britain.
Miliband failed to recognise the depth of the crisis in the inner cities that the CONDEM CUTS agenda has added in the past year.
Miliband also failed to refer to democracy and the deep deficit in democracy that deters the real alternative from coming into play.
He ‘leads’ one huge part of that morass, the Bliared Party bureaucracy.

[To be continued]

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