Saturday 12 March 2011

East End of London: A Brick Lane letter for Japan [1] Saturday 12 March 2011

A Letter for Japan

By © Muhammad Haque.

Brick Lane London UK

“We are with you in this your hour of
distress. We are with you in this your
moment of sorrow. We are with you in this shock, disbelief and
amazement! We are with you in spirit
and we are with you in sharing
with the rest of humanity
your deep sadness. How could this
happen to us! How could this
to us! The strings of our hearts extend
thousands of miles and touch yours
with that message that is utterly human:
we are with you.
We give you all our support .
And we promise you we shall stand by you
for as long as your needs require.
We shall do so all day today, tomorrow,
the day after that
and the day after that and beyond ...”

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