Saturday 12 March 2011

Can Clegg learn from Alex Salmond, the Scottish regional boss who is leading on tuition fees?

The Muhammad Haque London Commentary

0830 Hrs GMT London Saturday 12 March 2011.

By© Muhammad Haque.

Alex Salmond in Edinburgh shows Nick Clegg one way to avoid sickness! But can Sick Clegg get the message?

Clegg is sick because he keeps talking about ‘being in power’. He misses the message coming loud and clear from Lib Dems themselves. He says they should get sued to protests. that is what happens when you get into power, he says. He fails to see that being in power for its own sake is not really being in power. If the foundation collapses then there is nothing that any power can do to keep him in the state of fantasy that he is in. Clegg’s sojourn to Davos in Switzerland when he was supposed to be in charge of things during CON Cameron’s arms-selling trip to the Middle East was made even more callous and stupid when he justified that by dissuasively saying that he had forgotten that he was supposed to be in charge! It is this contempt to duty that is sinking Clegg. This is why he is truly sick and unfit for purpose. [To be continued]

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