Wednesday 23 March 2011

COMMUNITY ARCHITECT Kay Jordan designed spaces that invited humanity to move in natural symmetry

COMMUNITY ARCHITECT Kay Jordan designed spaces that invited humanity to move in natural symmetry

0600 [0555] [0550] Hrs GMT
23 March 2011.
By © Muhammad Haque.

This is based on a Kay Jordan Foundation Seminar presentation and an ALL VOLUNTEERS NEWS complication to be published later in 2011.

There is far too much to do! So you must excuse me if I don’t go on talking about how I met Kay Jordan. And one of the things that still requires a lot of work is the defence of the East End against the Agenda of Big Business that has been driving the Crossrail scam.
Crossrail is wrongly described as a ‘biggest’ thins or “biggest’ that. It is in fact the thin edge of the wedge. Much more waste and much more environmental damage is entailed in it than the sum of £17 Billion or £15 Billion recited about it conveys. Kay Jordan understood this. Hence her dedication.
Although at any time she could call on any of the few dozen people who she was in daily contact with as part of their work contract, she scarcely did that. Instead, Kay put in extra hours so that the campaign against the Big Biz agenda Crossrail hole plot was active and on the road.
Many that stood to gain personally from a successful outcome to the immediate aspect of the campaign against Crossrail were unable to appreciate the impact of the plotted hole on their lives and on those of their families and neighbourhoods.
Kay Jordan personally did not have anything to lose even if Crossrail hole had been allowed to be dug in the Brick Lane London E1 area.
Yet she is the one who came forward and stood next to me and said,
“ I am with you. We shall campaign and we shall stop them.”
[To be continued]

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