Saturday 19 March 2011

Cameron is faking Bliar’s globe-trotting grandstanding pose as the REAL USA MIC AGENT in Europe

AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary
1440 [1405] Hrs GMT London Saturday 19 March 2011.
This is a very small clip from the British TV station ITV reviewing in a pro-Government way the UN Security Council Resolution about Libya.
The ITV agendas is VERY much as a propaganda arm of the UK Govt. Which means that the BBC is NOT the only state-backing propaganda courier for the relevant regime in the UK.
The way that Cameron has been faking Bliar’s globe-trotting grandstanding pose as the REAL USA Military Industrial Complex [the dissector of the MIC is of course the late John K Galbraith] AGENT shows that Cameron, like Bliar, has 'full confidence' in the UK Media backing HIS Mid East adventures.
As Muhammad Haikal would have reminded Cameron, that CONTINUES to be a grave error on the part of the occupant at No 10 Downing Street.
The sick-making antics of France’s Niko Sarko are not to be dismissed as being only that. Underneath his dismissible exterior, Sarko carries the germs of true intolerance, prejudice and hatred. And that, as much as anything about Muammar Gaddafi and HIS violations and threats, explains why the two of them are having this inciting rendezvous today!
[To be continued]

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