Thursday 24 February 2011

Tower Hamlets is STILL TOP OF THE LEAGUE TABLE! As THE Borough where the largest proportion of children - are experiencing the worst poverty in UK

1140 [1100] Hrs GMT
24 February 2011.
By © Muhammad Haque.
Tower Hamlets is STILL TOP OF THE LEAGUE TABLE! As THE Borough where the largest proportion of children - that is families - are experiencing the worst poverty anywhere in the UK! You will not hear this from the Council which just held its CUTS BUDGET meeting in the last 20 hours.
Nor will you hear it in any of the grotesquely promoted ethnicity linked ‘meeja’ channels brought to you via the negligently careless and inactive OFCOM’s scandalously proffered and renewed licences and carried on Rupert Murdoch's SKY.Com! THEY have been busy peddling the lying image that Tower Hamlets is now the alleged centre of the extension of all things Bangladeshi ‘success’! There is not one ‘bulletin’, one slot that goes on air without uttering that lie. Ordinary people in Tower Hamlets from ALL backgrounds are undermined or denied the existence of. The image created is unreal on these satellite channels or scandals channels to be more factual. Just as unreal on the satellite outlets now as it has been for nigh on 20 years on the pages of the Council’s in-house propaganda sheet our MOVEMENT has been calling the EAST END LIES. And the less said about the ‘elected councillors’ the better it is for the moral health of the community that is already so overwhelmingly crassly and utterly betrayed by the local Council. So what do we the ordinary people do to stop the slide that is affecting all of us in so many ways? We mobilise. We put the evidence together. And we act. We act in the ANNUAL FORUM of the Brick Lane Community Business Forum.
The BLCBF was founded in 2007 jointly by Muhammad Haque and Kay Jordan with the democratic resources of AADHIKAR Media Foundation, CBRUK and KHOODEELAAR! pulled together.
On 18 October 2010, Kay Jordan stated her concerns about the future of the community in the Brick Lane London E1 and in the rest of the borough. At this Monday’s BLCBF ANNUAL FORUM [28 February 2011], we shall address Kay Jordan’s concerns in light of the confirmation [since 18 October 2010] of the size and the extent of the CONDEM CUTS AGENDA being operated against the people in the East End of London. We shall also do what Ruth Kelly in 2007 had failed to do.
In 2007, Ruth Kelly, a notoriously reported ‘Tower Hamlets Borough resident’ was in what Eric Pickles [God help us!] is currently confined to: a post as cabinet minster while imprisoned by a Prime Minister who is showing increasing lack of knowledge of the subjects that he gallivants around opining on! We had, typically generously, asked Ruth Kelly to come and see us at a location that we had chosen in the Brick Lane London E1 area for the learning session so she would learn the basic facts about Tower Hamlets peoples. Being a blitheringly blasé Bliarite, Ruth Kelly failed to get the message. She lost out.
As we could also have predicted. Now we shall be updating the necessary community based action in order that the massive CONDEM COLLUSION assault being now mounted to destroy and probably to also structurally dislocate the community can be understood for what it as and the community defended on every front. [To be continued]

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