Friday 25 February 2011

CONDEMN CONDEM! They are a pair of careless jokers faking it furiously as they mess up the economy abuse their victims and grandstand 'abroad'

CONDEMN CONDEM! They are a pair of careless jokers faking it furiously as they mess up the economy abuse their victims and grandstand on the back of people struggling for democracy and justice in the Middle East! CLEGGERON joke’s not funny

1120 [1055] Hrs GMT
25 February 2011.
By © Muhammad Haque.
Even the BBC News Channel news script-reader Fiona Armstrong could be forgiven a wry smile as she battled to contain the giggles forced by the state of ‘don’t panic’ regime that CONDEM was running in Britain this morning.

Fake jokes and considerate [and now extra-respectable ‘mature’] news readers of Fiona Armstrong’s citations aside, the fact is that CLEGGERON is on to a loser at home too. Not only has Dave Cameron been exposed for the shallowness of his entire profile so shabbily and incredibly faked on the back of the very ‘interesting’[in the Chinese proverbial sense] times and events across the strategically oil-rich Middle East and Arabia, his ‘co-Colluding best mate’ Nick Clegg has come unstuck on his insulting version of Governance too. Together they are embarrassing not only the ordinary UK public.

The propaganda-dependent pair are also at the same time reinforcing by their crass roles the evidential conclusion that they will seek to compensate for their latest exposure by staging something else. They will almost certainly stage a plausible pretext packaged in a parade of poisonous propaganda for another very costly and unwise diversion. As they rush to further the agenda of the Military Industrial Complex- that is in real control of the propaganda onslaught intended to derail all democratic campaigners in the Middle East, Clegg and Cameron will still continue to fabricate and fake the truth on the dire state of the UK’s declining economic performance and social fragmentation. This latter is due to the pair's assaults on Society and on society.

As the ‘Save the Children’ has again found, Tower Hamlets is at the top of the list of deprived areas. But this is not a subject that the CONDEM Collusion’s ‘locally sited’ career colluders and operatives will admit to.

The nearest they will come to doing so will be to blame the Bliared, Browned cabal that claimed to derive ITS policies in the name of the from Labour Party in ITS behaviour whilst fronting the ‘democratic’ facade of the the East End Borough. Which means that the rot will continue in the East End. Unless something is done by the people ourselves.

We are mobilising the updater process to stop and to reverse the economic decline and the social fragmentation caused by the abuse of power by CLEGG and CAMERON. We are demanding that they deliver due service on a high standard to the people of the East End of London.
[To be continued]

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