Sunday 4 August 2013

Future of the Community NEEDS elected Councillors to act in solidarity with Community Campaigns - 1

Future of the Community NEEDS elected Councillors to act in solidarity with Community Campaigns - 1 Councillor Alexander [Weavers Ward, Tower Hamlets] was the only sitting Councillor at the time, who actually put a fully detailed Motion ion the table in the Council against the Crossrail hole. WE SHALL comment further on that move and its democratic implications for the community. Councillor Alexander left the Council within the year following that Motion. [To be continued] Agenda item Motion from Councillor Louise Alexander regarding Crossrail Meeting of Council, Wednesday, 1st March, 2006 7.30 p.m. (Item 10.2) “Cllr Louise Alexander Seconder: Cllr Akik Rahman It is this Council’s duty to protect the community’s rights not to suffer damage to the environment, health and business. Councillor Louise Alexander, picture rerived from the BBC web site at 0215 Hrs GMT London Sunday 04 August 2013. Councillor Alexansder [Weavers Ward, Tower Hamlets] was the only sitting Councillor at the time, who actually put a fully detailed Motion ion the table in the Council against the Crossrail hole. WE SHALL comment furtehr on that move and its democaric impliacyons for the community. Councillor Alexander left the Council within the year following that Motion. [To be continued] The Council's web site contains the following record: This Council categorically rejects: · Any Crossrail intervention shaft in the Brick Lane London E1 area, as contained in the present Crossrail Bill in the House of Commons; · Crossrail plans for an additional tunnel surfacing in Allen Gardens; · The use of a conveyor belt to take spoil to dump in Mile EndPark; and · The unsubstantiated, uneconomic and wasteful provision of a Crossrail station at Whitechapel which will necessitate digging an evacuation shaft in the Brick Lane London E1 area This Council resolves to: · Use the strongest possible terms when this Council presents the arguments and the evidence in support of any previously-submitted formally-timed petition to the Crossrail Select Committee in the House of Commons. · Lobby within political parties and for the active attention of the Government to represent the interests of the residents of this Borough. This Council undertakes to take action in court and constitutionally to maintain, establish, reinstate and protect the community's right not to suffer the damage to environment, health and business which will be brought about by having an intervention shaft in this area”. Decision: Councillor Alexander’s motion following debate was subject to an amendment from Councillor Keith DECISION The Council confirms The Council will exercise it powers of general wellbeing to the benefit of all communities in the borough. The Council categorically rejects The tunnelling strategy proposed by Crossrail that produces the need for the major intervention in Hanbury Street area, a conveyor belt to take spoil to Mile End Park and the use of Mile End Park for spoil handling. The Council notes: The work that the Labour run Council has commissioned on tunnelling strategy , safety, construction practice, and railway engineering to protect the interests of the people of the borough. The work the Labour run Council has done to lobby Ministers , petition the House of Commons and campaign to protect the interests of the people of the borough. The meetings that have been held with local community groups to work together on petitioning against Crossrail’s proposals. The Council resolves to 1- Use the strongest possible terms when this Council presents the arguments and the evidence in support of any previously-submitted formally-time petition to the Crossrail Select Committee in the House of Commons; and 2 – Work in partnership with local community groups to maximise the impact of our petitioning strategy by combing where possible – the position of the Council with the work done by local campaigning community organisations. (Action by Emma Peters- Corporate Director of Development & Renewal) Minutes: Moved by Councillor Louise Alexander and Seconded by Councillor Akikur Rahman. “This Council confirms that: It is this Council’s duty to protect the community’s rights not to suffer damage to the environment, health and business. This Council categorically rejects: · Any Crossrail intervention shaft in the Brick Lane London E1 area, as contained in the present Crossrail Bill in the House of Commons; · Crossrail plans for an additional tunnel surfacing in Allen Gardens; · The use of a conveyor belt to take spoil to dump in Mile EndPark; and · The unsubstantiated, uneconomic and wasteful provision of a Crossrail station at Whitechapel which will necessitate digging an evacuation shaft in the Brick Lane London E1 area This Council resolves to: · Use the strongest possible terms when this Council presents the arguments and the evidence in support of any previously-submitted formally-timed petition to the Crossrail Select Committee in the House of Commons. Lobby within political parties and for the active attention of the Government to represent the interests of the residents of this Borough. This Council undertakes to take action in court and constitutionally to maintain, establish, reinstate and protect the community's right not to suffer the damage to environment, health and business which will be brought about by having an intervention shaft in this area”. Moved by Councillor Michael Keith and Seconded by Councillor Abdus Shukur that the motion be amended as follows “The Council confirms The Council will exercise its powers of general wellbeing to the benefit of all communities in the borough. The Council categorically rejects (delete the four paragraphs that follow and insert) The tunneling strategy proposed by Crossrail that produces the need for the major intervention in the Hanbury Street area, a conveyor belt to take spoil to Mile EndPark and the use of MileEnd Park for spoil handling. Add The Council notes: The work that the Labour run Council has commissioned on tunneling strategy, safety, construction practice, and railway engineering to protect the interests of the people of the borough. The work the Labour run Council has done to lobby ministers, petition the House of Commons and campaign to protect the interests of the people of the borough. The meetings that have been held with local community groups to work together on petitioning against Crossrail’s current proposals. The Council resolves to: Use the strongest possible terms: STET this paragraph Delete second paragraph Work in partnership with local community groups to maximize the impact of our petitioning strategy by combining – where possible – the position of the Council with the work done by local campaigning community organizations”. After discussion Moved by Councillor Michael Keith, Seconded by Councillor Abdus Shukur and RESOLVED: That in accordance with Rule 14.1. 10 the question be now put. The amendment was then put to the meeting and AGREED. The amended motion was then put to the meeting and it was: RESOLVED: That this Council confirms that the Council will exercise it powers of general wellbeing to the benefit of all communities in the borough. The Council categorically rejects the tunnelling strategy proposed by Crossrail that produces the need for the major intervention in the Hanbury Street area, a conveyor belt to take spoil to Mile End Park and the use of Mile End Park for spoil handling. The Council notes: · the work that the Labour run Council has commissioned on tunnelling strategy, safety, construction practice, and railway engineering to protect the interests of the people of the borough; · the work the Labour run Council has done to lobby ministers, petition the House of Commons and campaign to protect the interests of the people of the borough; and · the meetings that have been held with local community groups to work together on petitioning against Crossrail’s proposals. The Council resolves to 1. Use the strongest possible terms when this Council presents the arguments and the evidence in support of any previously-submitted formally-timed petition to the Crossrail Select Committee in the House of Commons; and 2. Work in partnership with local community groups to maximise the impact of our petitioning strategy by combining where possible the position of the Council with the work done by local campaigning community organisations. Motion to Extend the Meeting During the debate on the Crossrail motion, at 10.26pm, Moved by Councillor Michael Keith, Seconded by Councillor Abdus Shukur and RESOLVED That in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14.1.13 (motion to extend the meeting under Rule 9) the meeting be extended by 30 minutes.

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