Saturday 27 July 2013

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: On hearing the news that former BBC journalist Clarence Mitchell is a candidate for MP from Brighton Pavilion [1]

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: On hearing the news that former BBC journalist Clarence Mitchell is a candidate for MP from Brighton Pavilion [1] This question added at 0652 Hrs GMT London Saturday 27 July 2013 Will this rare BBC journalist who has in his portfolio of ordinary reporting one very special moment which so resonated with a large number of peoples’ lives, prove to David Cameron that he, Clarence Mitchell, will not accept racist prejudice or allow racism to be any part of his political life? 0332 Hrs GMT London Saturday 27 July 2013 I have just posted this on the Evening Standard website. There is a slight error in the version on the Standard have corrupted that in the version below Another note as well: I think Clarence Mitchell was part of a small BBC News team that did care for some of the moral issues in the news. I know this for a fact. More on that in due course. Here [below] is my first Comment on the STANDARD [which happened to also to be fist Comment on that story to appear on the web site of the London EVENING STANDARD] about Clarence Mitchell's having just been selected to stand as a candidate for Parliament from Brighton Pavilion. My Comment is NOT at all an endorsement of the Tories but in fact a warning to Clarence Mitchell against their agenda that they will push through his candidature and or [possible] election..... Clarence Mitchell has been a good journalist. Can he reconcile the best instinct of a good journalist with the Neo Cons Agenda or the corruption that is the dominant culture at the Palace of Westminster? I have had empirical evidence on another former BBC journalist, Martin Bell. Unlike in relation to Mitchell, I have reported on some events along side Bell. Both however belong in a rare group of British journalists, with propriety and decency being the stronger features of their work. So while Martin Bell has proven his pledges, can Clarence Mitchell match Bell’s work as a leading exponent of ethical politics at Westminster? 0314 GMT Saturday 27 July 2013

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